Marijuana users consume rock music

Over the past few years, we’ve seen Americans’ attitudes toward cannabis fundamentally change. Typically, conservative groups such as baby boomers and professional golfers have recently adopted the plant in greater numbers. Women have popularized alternative consumption methods such as edibles and topicals. And the wellness world is obsessed with CBD oil.

But as much as things change, they also stay the same. A new study found that despite this dramatic turnaround, most cannabis users predominantly choose to smoke while listening to rock music. The Summer of Love took place more than 50 years ago, but its influence hasn’t really gone away.

Marketing firm Ipsos partnered with PAX Labs to survey more than 2,700 American and Canadian adults aged 21 and over to learn more about modern cannabis trends. (Only Americans in states where marijuana use is legal were surveyed.) Questions included how often and why they used marijuana, where they bought their marijuana, and what they liked to do while using it.

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Photo by Alphacolor via Unsplash

What probably doesn’t surprise you is that most marijuana users admit to using at least once a week (61%). However, the survey found that more Americans smoked cannabis than Canadians, even though the plant has federally illegal status in the United States. Canadians still prefer to buy weed from their friends, while Americans prefer to buy it from pharmacies. Interestingly, Americans were more likely to discuss marijuana use after a first date (53%) than Canadians (37%). Also worth noting: 92% of people admitted that marijuana improved their sex life.

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Another activity that appreciates weed more is listening to music, with about half of respondents saying they do this while smoking. One limitation of the study is that we don’t know how old these people are, as 50% of respondents said classic rock was their preferred genre, while smoking appears to be a generational preference. Hip-hop, a genre more popular among millennials, came in second with 39% and pop followed in third with 36%.

Americans and Canadians agree that their favorite way to consume marijuana is smoking, with 61% of all respondents citing it as their preferred method. But Americans eat more edibles than Canadians (21% to 17%), while they also vape more (16% to 11%). Overall, most people enjoy using cannabis “to unwind after a long day,” with 67% of both Canadians and Americans saying this.

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