Marijuana Metabolism | Fifth Ave Green House
Does marijuana boost your metabolism?
Does marijuana cause weight gain or does it increase metabolism and thus help with weight loss?
Everyone wants to prepare their beach body and look good in the summer!
In 2022, weight-loss programs, diet sodas, low-calorie frozen meals, and gym memberships generated a whopping $76 billion in sales. People are always looking for a magic solution; the current trend is the diabetes drug Ozempic.
Weight loss tips are everywhere, from kale diets to fasting to ab trainers. But what about marijuana?
We all know that alcohol contributes to weight gain, but what about marijuana? Does it affect your metabolism and body type?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that cannabis makes us fatter due to cravings and similar unhealthy snacks.
However, some evidence suggests that marijuana interacts with cannabinoid receptor 1, which affects metabolism and food intake.
It appears that consuming large amounts of marijuana can boost metabolism and reduce energy storage, leading to a lower BMI. However, like other effective weight loss methods, it takes time to see results and does not result in sudden weight loss.
Different strains of cannabis have different effects on these metabolic processes.
“THC can increase appetite, but CBD helps with carbohydrate metabolism, fasting insulin and overall metabolic function by reducing and suppressing appetite – they work together,” says Junella Chin, an integrative medicine doctor in New York and California who specializes in medical marijuana and osteopathic neuromuscular medicine.
“A cannabis formula with a balanced ratio of THC:CBD or mostly CBD will help reduce snacking.”
In 2013, the American Journal of Science published a report stating that marijuana users are less likely to be obese, despite ample empirical and anecdotal evidence that they consume high-calorie diets.
According to the study, “the most important finding is that current marijuana users appear to have better carbohydrate metabolism than non-users,” said Murray Mittleman, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and lead author of the study, in an interview with TIME magazine.
“They have lower fasting insulin levels and appear to be less resistant to the insulin the body produces to maintain normal blood sugar levels.”
And what about the long-standing connection between marijuana and snack foods? According to one study, sales of “junk food” – mainly chips, cookies and ice cream – have increased in U.S. states where cannabis is now legal.
It is important to remember, however, that correlation does not equal causation. Just because these foods sell better while marijuana is legal does not mean that marijuana is to blame.
Maintaining your body can be challenging, and it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting any extensive weight loss program. Changing your body takes time, and you should not expect to see dramatic changes in a short period of time. Moreover, it is not healthy for your body. Exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep are key factors in maintaining a healthy body.
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