Marijuana and Seduction: What’s the Relationship Between Joint and ‘Levante’? All mysteries revealed
Note by Hernán Panessi, originally published in El Planteo. More articles by El Planteo in High Times in Spanish.
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“We’re going to smoke a joint there,” sings Adrián Dárgelos, leader of the Babasónicos, in “Risa,” an ode to flirting. Could it be that cannabis and ‘Levante’ can make a good pairing? The truth is The game of seduction is a complex process, and so is marijuana, with its variety of strains and hits.
So, will smoking a joint help you loosen up, lose your inhibitions, stop thinking, have good first dates, sharpen your senses, take a hit, and “go out and face it”?
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“Social anxiety (and the shyness it causes) is the emotion most strongly associated with difficulty seducing.”says Martín Rieznik, author of the book The Science of Seduction, speaker at TEDx with his talk “Seduce to be happy” and director of LevantArte, the first company dedicated to the study and dissemination of scientific knowledge about seduction.
Shyness is killing me
In his book The Science of Seduction, Rieznik cites “Comorbidity in Chronic Shyness,” a study conducted by TA Lorant, L. Henderson, and PG Zimbardo of the US National Library of Medicine’s National Institutes of Health, assuring this “50% of respondents describe themselves as shy”.
He also cites the study “Practice Dating as Treatment for College Dating Inhibitions” by psychologists Hal Arkowitz, Richard Hinton, and William Himadi, in which they argue that for young people “Overcoming the inhibitions that prevent them from reaching out romantically or sexually to people they are interested in is one of the main sources of concern, and failure to do so can result in problems such as depression or difficulty in getting married work performance.”.
In a survey by Arkowitz’ team and colleagues of 3,800 students 50% of respondents expressed interest in participating in a social and romantic skills program. And 30% of them said they felt “somewhat” to “very anxious” about their romantic dates.
i like to see you laugh
Well, how does marijuana affect social anxiety and shyness? And by the way, how does it affect the different stages of the seduction game?
“Without doubt, Every moment of the game is different. I recently did a poll on my Instagram saying that for example when it comes to a first date, the absolute majority prefer to avoid marijuana. And when it comes to confronting strangers, there are also many who avoid it. However, When it comes to sex, these numbers reverse, and weed and intimacy seem like good friends.“, Asoma Rieznik.
Incidentally, this is what the gynecologist and doctoral student in clinical sexology Gabriela Murineddu points out “The effects of marijuana on the sexual response of women and men are directly related to the amount consumed.”.
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In this sense, scientific researches such as Manual de sexología y terapia sexual by Francisco Cabello or “The andrologist from reproductive medicine to sexual medicine: the Italian experience” by A. Lenzi and EA. Jannini, claim that THC in low doses can have stimulating effects on sex and improve anxiety levels.
dr Murineddu elaborates: “It increases the ability to imagine, disinhibites, relaxes, increases sexual desire and the ability to communicate with the partner and promotes intimacy and emotional closeness. It can increase tactile and auditory sensitivity, enhance the senses and enhance sexual pleasure, especially in women. Improves stage frightdivided into several factors: fear of failure, striving for results, excessive altruism and introspection”.
However, When it comes to the relationship between social anxiety and marijuana, the scientific evidence is pretty ambiguous..
“I think it has to do with the fact that it affects us all differently and it depends a lot on the strain you smoke. That is not always taken into account”adds Rieznik.
Hemp and Relaxation
Australian cannabis journalist Steven Voser’s article “The Relationship Between Cannabis Use and Social Anxiety” cites studies that come to opposite conclusions: Some associate marijuana with social anxiety, others find the reverse relationship.
Nevertheless, The conclusion that seems solid is that CBD helps reduce social anxiety.
“I would tell you that Nobody smokes pot to make them feel more anxious, but being relaxed doesn’t make you more seductive either.especially in the first phase of the game of seduction, which usually requires decisive and quite energetic action,” explains Rieznik.
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And immediately Cuchi Laino, Onlyfanera and seduction expert, joins in: “Is the joint good for the Levant? And… it depends on the case and the person, but for me it’s ideal to arrive relaxed and without so many inhibitions. Create the perfect mood to stop thinking and acting so much. I recommend it 100% in all phases of the appointment“.
In the study by Colombian Laura Andrea Ramírez Medina, “Representations of experiences of recreational use of marijuana among adult users of virtual forums” of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Universidad del Rosario, it was found that: “Within the motivations for starting and maintaining the consumption are found most frequently in the reportsis the search for sensations of relaxation and reduced emotional tension; Achieving sensations of well-being and fun, as well as the potentiation of sensations”.
In fact, in this study, marijuana use was classified as “a facilitator of interpersonal relationshipsAmplifier of empathy and tool that enables understanding of the other”.
“It can help with disinhibition”, emphasizes Cuchi Laino, “in the effect that it generates sexual excitement and relaxation in the body, in fluent and interesting conversations or even fun with laughter while flashing.” For Laino, in short, It has “many pluses”.
Beware of the joint
On its back Can prolonged or high consumption bring negative points? The short answer is yes.
dr Murineddu elaborates: “The negative effects can be that Loss of connection with the other, with decreased sexual desire. In men, difficulty getting and maintaining an erection and delayed ejaculation. Some women experience decreased vaginal lubrication with painful intercourse (dyspareunia) and Difficulty reaching orgasm. There is evidence of a reduction in testosterone levels with decreased sperm production and motility.
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At the touch, Laino rises: “If the person is not very used to smoking or has anxiety issues and is very nervous about the date, marijuana may accentuate this condition. It seems to me that it can be strange if the other doesn’t smoke or if the other is in someone else, it can be harmful.
The stages of seduction
Most authors and scientists who studied the tortuous edges of Seduction agree that it consists of three stages: “attraction” (when the other person draws your attention), “connection” (when you connect with that person through conversation), and finally, “seduction” (when they are intimate are)..
This is the basis of the specialist Rieznik when it comes to the development of his lectures, podcasts and workshops.
“It would be something like the beginning, the middle and the end. In general, it is also agreed that the energy of interaction decreases: In the phase of “attraction” it is usually the peak of energy (let’s think of two people meeting in a bar or a nightclub), in the phase of “connection ” At the ‘stage, the energy drops a bit (think of a date together or a trip) and at the ‘seduction’ stage even more (think of the two talking alone in a living room),” tells the LevantArte benchmark .
Shall we smoke one?
And what about cannabis? “Knowing the stages and responses to surveys and conversations with friends (and my own experience) I think marijuana can be useful in the connection and seduction phase, but not such a good companion in the attraction phase.where higher energies are needed,” says Rieznik.
Normally, The scientific studies that exist on human relationships and cannabis usually do not distinguish between “sex and seduction”. This is often how the fact of “connection” is extolled.
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Rieznik contradicts this aspect: “It can be useful to connect, but to face from scratch, to get out of the Levant, most prefer not to smoke a lot.”
In addition, the question of the varieties displayed is always present. And since, Experts speak of the “activating sativa”.
“I think like everything Balance is the key: A glass of wine is guaranteed to get everything flowing on a date; and ten glasses of wine throw your appointment in the trash and you end up hugging the toilet,” says Rieznik.
And in the series of excuses for being released, marijuana is also used as a hook to have a “common” activity. Shall we smoke one? Cannabis as a tool for social cohesion, the churro as a date. “That’s the perfect excuse and I have used it more than once and it has been used on me as well. That’s typical haha,” Laino concludes.
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