Marijuana and Fertility

There’s an old joke: A man tells a woman that alcohol is bad for having children, and the woman replies that if it weren’t for the alcohol, there would be half as many babies. Science says you shouldn’t drink or use marijuana during pregnancy, but what does that say about marijuana and fertility?

Fertility is a fickle thing. Fertility is genetic and there are actually some people who can be classified as super fertile. This all depends on the health of the sperm and egg cells. About 25% of women have difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term. And it takes two to have fertility problems. Both men and women can contribute to infertility.

Photo via Zach Manuel

In women, frequent use can cause problems that can affect fertility. Consumption up to three times a week can have effects, according to a report published online in the journal Fertility & Sterility Science. There is evidence that marijuana can decrease female fertility by interfering with the hypothalamic release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), resulting in decreased estrogen and progesterone production and anovulatory menstrual cycles. It can also delay or inhibit ovulation.

Data from another study showed for each menstrual cycle that women who had used cannabis while trying to conceive were 41% less likely to conceive than non-users. Also, a lower proportion of cannabis users than non-users became pregnant during the study – 42% versus 66%. The authors found no differences in miscarriage rates between users and non-users who achieved pregnancy.

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In men, consumption appears to have a negative impact on male fertility. This study suggests that the clinical effect of cannabis use on testicular function is negligible. Marijuana consumption may have an adverse effect on semen quality, particularly morphology and volume, but may protect against abnormal sperm motility. Long-term marijuana use can impair male fertility and has been linked to testicular atrophy, low libido, sexual dysfunction, semen parameters, and reproductive hormone levels

RELATED: He/She/She/Weed — Marijuana Affects the Genders Differently

Human studies of marijuana and fertility are few, and they are small, non-randomized, and mostly retrospective. If you’re trying to conceive, it may be best to do a cannabis detox.

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