Legal Cannabis Means Cannabis Use Disorder, Says Study – Cannabis | weed | marijuana
According to a new study published in the JAMA Network Open, legal cannabis means a higher rate of cannabis use disorders in your state.
Researchers surveyed 110,000 patients at Kaiser Permanente, Washington, about their attitudes toward cannabis. They surveyed five thousand of these patients about their cannabis use.
Only those who had used in the last 30 days (1,500 out of 110,000 people) were included in the study.
Of course, the BS radar goes off immediately. Since only those who had used cannabis in the past thirty days were included, they introduced a bias in estimating the frequency of “cannabis use disorder”.
They excluded occasional and occasional users who do not develop “cannabis use disorder” (CUD). By excluding this group, the study may over-represent individuals with heavier cannabis use patterns, giving the illusion of higher CUD rates.
But some “experts” don’t see the study that way. They believe that people underreport their cannabis use. Therefore, the study underestimates the prevalence of CUD.
“Science” has become a religion in which study has replaced scripture. But just as the Bible and Quran provide no insight into “cannabis use disorder,” neither does this published study provide insight.
Issues with the Legal Cannabis = CUD study.
According to this study, legal cannabis leads to more cases of cannabis use disorder (CUD) in Washington state. And that doesn’t just apply to Washington.
A 2020 meta-analysis of cannabis use in the US, France, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands and Germany came to similar conclusions.
22% of cannabis users will develop CUD during their lifetime. CUD rose from 17.7% in Canada before legalization to 24.3% after.
But what does that mean? And how accurate is this information?
For example, in this recent Washington state study, certain subgroups (“racialized” minorities) were over-emphasized in order to “enhance” representation. However, they only limited the results of the study to populations with similar demographics.
Consider the other methodological problems.
sample bias: As mentioned earlier, the study authors ignored the data that didn’t fit. You overestimated the prevalence of cannabis use disorder (CUD).
Self-report bias: This study relies not only on self-reported data on cannabis use, but also on the reasons for use. Self-reporting brings with it various problems: memory bias, social desirability bias, misclassification, etc.
cross section design: The study uses a cross-sectional design that can help remove bias. However, no causal relationships are established. This study cannot determine whether states with legal cannabis will result in higher CUD rates. A temporal relationship cannot even be established.
Disturbing variables: The study accounts for some demographic factors (such as age, gender, and ethnicity) but ignores socioeconomic status, mental health history, and access to health care. All of this would be important to establishing causal links between cannabis use and CUD.
Press X to doubt
This Study Tells Us Nothing Objectively True About The World – Legal Cannabis Means Higher Rates Of Cannabis Use Disorders?
You can see the logic. Like there’s a flu virus, and covering your mouth with a tissue helps prevent it from spreading.
But sometimes what seems obvious is not true. The earth appears flat, but it is not. And face masks seem to be working. But they don’t.
Likewise, there is no causal relationship between legal cannabis and people who have difficulty controlling their use. Consider the conclusions of this study.
The study discusses the prevalence of cannabis use disorders, but as mentioned, it is a cross-sectional study. It doesn’t establish causality. The study’s conclusions suggest that non-medical use directly causes CUD, but nothing in actual research supports this.
They went ahead with their conclusions and discarded data that didn’t fit.
The study’s conclusion that “patients who use for non-medical reasons are most at risk of developing moderate to severe CUD” can only be interpreted as a direct causal relationship between cannabis and CUD.
Rather than what it actually is: a correlation influenced by various confounding factors.
The study also generalizes the results. What is true in Washington state may not be true elsewhere. But as mentioned, other studies around the world have come to similar conclusions.
So let’s be frank: there are cannabis users who want to quit (or slow down, moderate) their use but feel they can’t.
So what’s going on here? Is there a cause of CUD? Or maybe there are reasons behind this feeling of “cannabis use disorder.”
Reasons that a person can discover through clear thinking. Once they have done so, they can judge their cannabis use habits (contrary to the worldview of this study) from a mindset that doesn’t feel like a ‘disorder’.
What is Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD)?
Do you use cannabis to sleep? You might not even like the feel of THC. But if you’re still a little gummy an hour before bed, you’ll be completely incapacitated for eight hours.
Suppose there is a cannabis workers strike or a hacker has shut down the central distribution center. Say you run out of gummy bears for some reason and have to go a few nights without them.
You will likely have trouble sleeping. Makes sense, doesn’t it? According to the “experts” of this study, this is a cannabis use disorder.
Do you enjoy recreational cannabis after work? It’s an excellent way to relax and safer than drinking alcohol. Of course, if you make it a habit and then go a day or two without it, you can feel a little irritated. Maybe restless. Even nervous or depressed.
According to experts, this is CUD.
By this definition, almost everyone suffers from a “caffeine use disorder.” However, there is no media outcry about coffee consumption (despite its negative effects on the brain and body).
Of course, caffeine has its benefits too. The same goes for cannabis. There are costs and benefits that only you can determine. Cannabis is a substance devoid of any inherent power.
But there is money and power in perpetuating stereotypes that cannabis is addictive and dangerous. Millions have found relief from medicinal cannabis. Millions more are discovering its therapeutic properties.
Peaceful and healthy cannabis use not only threatens the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry, but also the police budgets, public health and other drug war propagandists.
Because of this, we’ve seen an increase in studies warning of “cannabis use disorder.”
How to resolve Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD).
A cannabis habit is just that—a habit. The reported “brain changes” that drugs produce are regular changes as you develop habits.
Whether you smoke cannabis or play the piano, the brain adapts and changes to facilitate the process.
No one said breaking a habit was easy. But do you portray it as a fight for your will? As a brain disorder or disease? Or as a preference that you freely choose?
The prevalence of CUD is likely to increase as more states legalize cannabis. Not because cannabis is inherently addictive or because it destroys young people’s brains.
None of this is true. Cannabis is a flower, and flowers cannot overpower your free will.
But when the “experts” narrative suggests otherwise, those who fall victim to their propaganda will do what they believe to be true.
In other words, these “public health” experts cause CUD. Through their attitudes and beliefs, they create what they claim to be investigating.
This “cannabis use disorder” study is a testament to that fact.
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