LA County enacts ordinance to charge illegal cannabis operations $ 30,000 a day

Los Angeles County has long been home to illegal cannabis operations, and now its board of directors has approved the introduction of an ordinance that could charge tens of thousands of dollars a day for illegal cannabis operations.

Los Angeles County’s board of directors unanimously voted Tuesday to introduce an ordinance on fines for illegal cannabis companies. Any addition or pharmacy operating in unincorporated areas of the county without a permit could soon be billed at $ 30,000 per day. Although the introduction has been approved, the regulation has yet to be voted on by the board for formal adoption.

The official text of the proposal describes the “Nuisance Reduction Ordinance”, which could be passed in a future meeting. “The illicit commercial cannabis activities, including the illegal cultivation of cannabis, are incredibly profitable, and cannabis cultivation in particular has become more widespread due to its ease of establishment in more remote and rural areas,” the motion reads. “Therefore, the penalties contained in the draft regulation should be adjusted and increased in accordance with national law to ensure that they deter the continued operation of illegal commercial cannabis operations.”

The application was written by the superiors Kathryn Barger and Sheila Kuehl. “The County Code currently prohibits all commercial cannabis activities within the unincorporated areas of the county, including the establishment, maintenance and operation of any commercial cannabis business activities and the rental, leasing or use of property for this purpose in any zone,” states the Motion. “However, the district continues to be flooded with unauthorized cannabis pharmacies in the unincorporated areas. Despite the efforts of numerous county authorities, the growth in illicit cannabis dispensaries continues to outpace enforcement. “

Presented the motion in hopes that it could help eradicate illegal cannabis operations, Barger noted that water supplies containing chemicals pose a threat to public safety, among other things. While the county’s work against illegal cannabis is tireless, it notes that the lack of “legally enforceable options” penalizes efforts.

In a press release, Barger summarized how these illegal cannabis deals are harming the county. “The illicit commercial cannabis cultivation is profitable and has flourished in rural Antelope Valley because it is easy to keep going. Desert communities continue to report illegal large-scale cannabis cultivation associated with water theft, trespassing, garbage, and the use of dangerous pesticides and fertilizers, which endanger the health and safety of residents. “

Supervisor Sheila Kuehl also agreed that something had to be done. “California voters legalized recreational cannabis in order to create a system that would guarantee product safety for consumers while prohibiting access to cannabis for minors,” said Kuehl, “but illegal cannabis operations continue to undermine the will of the population. This application brings teeth into the enforcement and ensures that unauthorized pharmacies face severe penalties in the future. “

Supervisor Janice Hahn confirmed that strengthening and protecting the area’s legal cannabis deals is also a way to tackle the illegal deals directly.

“I know that providing a legal way for people to grow, produce and sell cannabis can in some ways help fight the illegal market,” said Hahn. “Hopefully we’ll soon be voting on the idea of ​​legally offering non-incorporated cannabis companies options [areas]. ”A press release on Barger’s website confirms that a study is being conducted to identify recommendations for legal cannabis businesses such as retail, manufacturing, distribution and more.

In October 2021, Los Angeles County donated $ 5 million to fund efforts to fight illegal cannabis in Antelope Valley. A press release said $ 2.4 million will go to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and $ 1.2 million to the department’s marijuana eradication team, while $ 503,000 will go to Lancaster’s overtime patrols Sheriff Station will flow and $ 707,000 will be used to purchase trucks that can traverse these investigations in difficult terrain.

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