Kentucky Governor Provides Update to Medical Cannabis Program
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear spoke at a press conference on October 7 and provided an update on the state’s medical cannabis program.
“We created the Medical Cannabis Program, the office that will do this work, as part of the Health and Family Services Cabinet,” Beshear said. “The Office is preparing to communicate the implementation of this law with a new website that launched today. Going forward, you can receive implementation updates at kymedcan.ky.gov.”
Beshear explained that the website provides “guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions for providers, breeders, physicians, APRNs and others interested in the program,” as well as information for the public that can also be followed on X and LinkedIn. He also announced Sam Flynn as executive director of the medical cannabis program.
In March, Beshear signed a medical cannabis bill, Senate Bill 47, becoming the 38th state to do so. It legalizes cannabis use for patients suffering from cancer, ALS, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, fibromyalgia, glaucoma and many other conditions.
The bill also established the Team Kentucky Medical Cannabis Workgroup. “The purpose of this working group is to examine the evolving policy of the medical cannabis industry and the state of medical cannabis policy in our commonwealth and across the country,” Beshear explained. “This group includes individuals from state and local governments and the private sector with relevant experience in law enforcement, agriculture, health care, workforce and economic development.”
Beshear originally appointed the working group members in June 2022, consisting of 15 people from a variety of disciplines. The working group met for the first time on October 4th. Beshear’s push for cannabis dates back to November 2022, when he signed an executive order allowing patients to use medical cannabis to treat certain medical conditions.
“Kentuckers with qualifying medical conditions can continue to seek relief with medical cannabis by leaving the state and following all of the conditions you are required to read carefully in the executive order,” Beshear concluded at the press conference. “All Kentuckians with appropriate medical conditions deserve a chance at a better, pain-free future without ever having to resort to opioids. We know what they have done to our state.”
According to recent data from the Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts presented by the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, more than 300,000 people in the state have been charged with a cannabis-related crime over the past 20 years. This corresponds to an estimated two people per hour per day. Broadly speaking, this means that 3.1 million people were charged with crimes in Kentucky during the data period (between June 2022 and July 2022), and one in 10 of them were charged with a cannabis offense.
“Yet, even as much of the country has moved toward more permissive policies, Kentuckians continue to face incarceration, heavy fines, community supervision, and criminal charges for cannabis crimes. These consequences have lasting, damaging effects on economic security, employment, health, housing, and people’s ability to fully participate in community life. And these consequences often disproportionately affect low-income, black and brown Kentuckians.”
Cannabis possession is the most common charge in the state, which can result in offenders spending up to 45 days in jail and a fine of up to $250.
Like many other states, Kentucky is exploring the potential of other substances to combat the harmful effects of opioids. In June, Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission (KYOAAC) Chairman and CEO Bryan Hubbard announced $42 million would go toward funding psychedelic research. “Kentucky must overcome the opioid epidemic by any means necessary,” Hubbard said. “As we begin the next phase of our fight against this crisis, we must explore every treatment option that has breakthrough therapeutic potential. Our goal is to explore creating a new standard for treating opioid addiction so that we can finally end this cycle of pain in the Commonwealth.” The funds come from a February 2022 $26 billion settlement between major pharmaceutical companies and their share in the opioid epidemic.
Last month, the KYOAAC held a five-hour hearing to give ibogaine patients the opportunity to speak about their positive experiences with the substance. Twenty-three people presented their personal experiences, including former Kentucky Attorney General Ben Chandler, who is now president and CEO of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. “In my opinion, we couldn’t solve the problem,” Chandler said. “It continues to be stubborn and we need as many tools as we can get. And I believe that a drug like ibogaine, from what I’ve read, has the potential to make the difference we need to make – or at least a big difference.”
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