It’s Friday night and you’re way too high
The holidays are the best time to get stoned and indulge in the best of cannabis strains. Every cannabis user knows that getting high is a pleasant activity; the disadvantages only arise when they give in too much or get too high.
If you rarely stay home on vacations or weekends, you are at greatest risk of accidentally becoming the center of attraction after getting too stoned at an event. It’s the same for those who rarely leave home. The aftermath of over-consuming cannabis is never worth it, and the emotions that come afterwards can quickly ruin the fun of the high.
After the holidays, it’s not uncommon for sober people to return to the pot for a hit. For example, some parents choose to try cannabis during these times after a long drought because the holidays are long and the kids are with friends or vacationing with other extended families.
Many do not realize that cannabis has become more potent than when they were actively smoked or consumed. Some sober people indulge in a food or two at parties without knowing what to expect.
Are you going to have a party soon and will edibles and some forms of cannabis be on the menu? Or are you a stoner who wants to take advantage of the holidays to get as high as possible? Then you need some supplies to keep your guests safe or you won’t fall into the trap of getting too high. These consumables help consumers sober up quickly, but the success of each delivery depends on the tolerability, metabolism and weight of the user. The THC content of the cannabis consumed as well as the amount of cannabis used are also important.
The first thing you need to know is that if you are way more stoned than you should be, nothing can sober you right away. Using these recommended supplies, all you can hope for is to get down from this height as soon as possible. It’s also important to mention that these tricks don’t always work. There is very little scientific evidence for their use. However, there are a few strange studies and surveys that support claims that these tricks can help a stoned person sober up quickly.
Lemon, ibuprofen, CBD, snacks, liquids, and black pepper are some things to have on hand in case you or your guests are over-consuming cannabis during the holidays.
Here are some simple and quick tips to try anytime you get too stoned during this festive season.
Black pepper
Almost everyone has black pepper spice in their kitchen. This spice has been observed to provide relief to people who are overwhelmed by anxiety or paranoia from too much cannabis.
A 2011 study shows that pepper and cannabis have similar chemical properties that cause both to bind to the same cannabinoid receptors. The instant relief that black pepper provides can be attributed to its terpene compounds. You’ll either need to chew a few black peppercorns or grind them with a meal. Smelling ground black pepper works too.
This is the non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. The main factor that causes an individual to get too stoned is THC. CBD reduces or counteracts the effects of THC. It has been observed to reduce the negative effects of paranoia and anxiety that arise when a person gets too stoned. This is one of the reasons why stoners are always advised to only use products with a balanced THC and CBD content.
If you’re too stoned, you can try taking CBD pills, oils, or gums for relief. You can also use a CBD steam pen. Having these products on hand could help reduce the overwhelming after-effects of THC.
Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen have the potential to block the massive buzz a person feels when they are overstimulated. This method is effective and ibuprofen is available over the counter at standard pharmacies. This drug can effectively stop the negative effects of THC on a person’s exercise. It counteracts the intoxicated effects of marijuana.
Drinking soda is an effective way to counterbalance the harmful effects of THC from consuming too much weed. The counteracting property of lemonade can be traced back to the terpenes contained in the citrus fruit. The presence of lime terpenes in lemonade improves user awareness and promotes post-consumption alertness. It also reduces anxiety and paranoia.
Drinking lemonade also helps reduce the cotton mouth caused by consuming marijuana.
Liquids and snacks
Staying hydrated and well-fed before and after using cannabis is a great trick for sobering up. Snacks are always recommended no matter how high a person is, such as liquids like water or fruit juices.
A glass of water and a snack will help calm you down after gaining too much weight. It will also help you focus and regain balance after the lightheadedness caused by excessive noise.
Once you’ve tried the above, it’s not a bad idea to try as much as you can to be comfortable. Breathe in slowly and deeply while lying down or sitting. You can also take a bath or shower. Some choose to call their friends and listen to them talk, while others look for other distractions to distract them.
As you do any or all of this, with every breath you take, remind yourself that everything will be fine.
Bottom line
Even the most seasoned cannabis users sometimes make the mistake of overdoing flowers, edibles, and other forms of canna-derived products. With the above tricks prepared every time you get a hit, there is no need to crawl around trying to find a solution how to sober up quickly.
Fortunately, there has never been a case of someone getting too high and being in the emergency room, nor has there been a fatal marijuana overdose. You need to understand that any discomfort you experience from excessive indulgence is the worst. You will survive to get high on next year’s vacation.
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