It is likely legal to ship marijuana across state lines

It’s Likely Legal to Ship Marijuana Across State Lines – Professor Robert Mikos of Vanderbilt Law School explains his review of the U.S. Constitution’s dormant trade clause on Green Rush Live!


Professor Mikos set the marijuana industry on fire with his legal paper on the dormant trade clause in the U.S. Constitution.

The cannabis industry was set on fire by Professor Mikos’ paper on how shipping marijuana across state lines might actually be currently federally legal due to the dormant trade clause in the U.S. Constitution. (Here is the published paper) In our Green Rush LIVE show we sat down and discussed with Professor Mikos the legal arguments presented in his paper. We also had a world-class cast of lawyers and government regulators including:

Steve Hoffman – Head of the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission

Beau Whitney – cannabis economist and business consultant

David C. Holland – New York cannabis attorney and attorney

Adam Smith – Founder of the Alliance for Sensible Markets

Edward DeSousa – Managing Partner, River Run Gardens

Andrew Kline – Senior Partner Perkins Cole

Professor Robert Mikos – Vanderbilt Law

David Rabinovitz – Green Rush Live

Curt Dalton – Cannabis.Net

Scott Moskol – Burns and Levinson Law

The show offers a fascinating glimpse into the idea of ​​international trade and the developing cannabis industry. Where are we currently in the legalization development? Should a transition period be built in before international trade to protect small businesses and applicants for social justice? Is there a way that big corporate cannabis won’t take over once interstate trade is allowed?

Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show, click the video below!

Some interesting points that have been raised are:

1. The idea of ​​state protectionism cuts both ways – The establishment of legal trenches to protect local small businesses and socially inclusive companies can be used by a state like California which has too much legal growth and is struggling with its SE business and exports perform product, or are you protecting the SE and small businesses in states like Massachusetts and New York that don’t want their markets to be inundated with weed from other states? Which social equity firm are you protecting, the one in California or the one in Massachusetts?

2. The lack of international trade protects small producers and small businesses, but at what price for consumers? The price of a pound of cannabis grown in the Emerald Triangle is $ 700 to $ 800, while the price of a pound of indoor growing in Massachusetts is $ 4,200. How do we bridge this gap so that consumers are treated fairly while protecting small businesses and social justice programs? This is similar to “buy local” advertising. When we go into a store and see that a product costs 5 to 10% more than we could get it on Amazon, we swallow the price difference and say “buy local, support local business,” but what if the price difference is 600 % amounts to? Would you still buy locally?

3. While the dormant trade clause protects your rights in federal courts, all panelists agreed that in any scenario you could come up with to move marijuana across a state line, you would actually be breaking state law. Not as bad as federal law, but you can still go to jail for long periods of time if you break enough state laws and are reckless as you do.

4. Would state and federal law treat medical treatments differently if cannabis is treated as medicine? If you had a license for medical marijuana and imported tested medical marijuana, would that fall under a different regime than, for example, a Rec license holder who goes to California, buys 100 pounds of cannabis, and goes back to New York?

We cover all of these topics and a lot more, because once you have 4 lawyers in one room, you know we will be doing billed hours and overtime!

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