It is best to have marijuana in your coffee
In an oft-repeated legend, Kaldi, a 9th-century Ethiopian goatherd, first observed the coffee plant after seeing his herd obtain energy from chewing the plant. Most agree that in Ahmed al-Ghaffar’s accounts, coffee was drunk in Yemen in the mid-15th century. It first appeared in Italy around 1600 (thanks again to Italy for something wonderful) and then spread to Europe. The rest is history.
Coffee is an integral part of daily activities for billions, with 30-40% of the world’s population consuming coffee daily. First prepared in samovars in Semitic countries before coming to dominate southern Europe via Italy and France, it is part of the history of global exchange. Now we know that this was also the case with cannabis. The combination with caffeine increases euphoria and hopefully also work performance.
People drink their coffee in many different ways, but laced with cannabis is one of the greatest successes of psychoactive experimentation of all time. Some people use the combination of cannabis and coffee to start the morning pain-free, others use the combination for laser-sharp focus. No matter your reason for choosing this combination, it’s a satisfying way to get your dose of both substances.
1.Dairy-free creamer
If you follow the routine, you probably already know exactly how much milk cream you need each week. Simply adding a glycerin tincture to this coconut or almond milk creamer will improve the flavor and keep the drink safe in the fridge for the duration. Measure whether you are a perfectionist and observe whether you are more relaxed.
2. Canna-Style Bulletproof Coffee
This much-touted “brain hack” involves adding a scoop of butter or coconut oil to your morning cup. These are two things you probably have around if you cook with cannabis even occasionally.
Related story: Coffee and marijuana will make you love mornings again
You may need to use a blender to get the right consistency, but people are crazy about eating it as is. Imagine how good it is with a little THC!
3. Cannabis whipped cream
We’ve splashed this on everything from hot cocoa to golden milk*, but if you have a can of Canna-Whip in the fridge, it’s likely to give your coffee a boost. Each splash is a fairly small dose, so you end up with just the right amount per cup.
Related: Great Fall Whiskeys
This is a bit of a challenge for many until the overindulgence of edible cannabis finally gets the analysis it needs to keep everyone high and healthy. Something this cool will not only give a nice kick but will also be incredibly tasty and gourmet feeling.
4. Cannabis cold brew ice cubes
Check out my Cannabis Cold Brew recipe to enjoy generous and strong coffee with delicious ice for up to a week. Making cold brew is so easy that it could be considered hipster meal prep. Pour the last cup into an ice cube tray to easily microdose your native coffee.
Original art by Danielle Guercio
5. Hash Honey
Have you ever had coffee with honey? It is wonderful. Mix 0.25g of decarboxylated hash with 1 cup of slightly warmed honey to get 4 mg of THC per teaspoon of honey, which you can add to anything.
6. Chocolate melts
Do you have any weed chocolate? Place one in the bottom of a cup before pouring hot coffee over it. You don’t need to add cream or sugar to get a delicious treat, just stir and enjoy.
7. Juicy coffee
Alcohol-based cannabis tinctures tend to have a very strong taste and are therefore not always pleasant to consume. Add yours to a 1-ounce pour of rum and make pirate coffee. It’s actually a pretty good hangover cure!
Now you can take advantage of the entourage effect at any time with the extra points you get from coffee’s popular stimulant, caffeine. There’s not much better than coffee and spliff, even if it’s a 2-in.
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