Is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate? – Hemp | weed | marijuana

Is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate? Last year, Canada’s prime minister dismissed reports that the Chinese had poured money into Liberal Party candidates.

“I have no information, nor have I been informed, that federal candidates are receiving money from China,” Justin Trudeau told the press.

But then a CSIS (the Canadian version of the CIA) whistleblower revealed the truth: the cabinet had been briefed “several times” about the dangers of Chinese electoral interference.

So, will Canadians get a public scrutiny into the integrity of the nation’s elections? Obviously not. The problem isn’t Justin’s favorite dictatorship. It’s CSIS.

He said: “It’s certainly a sign that security within CSIS needs to be reviewed. And I expect CSIS to take the issue very seriously.”

So there you have it. The problem is not Chinese interference in the election. It is the CSIS agent who revealed Ottawa’s inaction to the Globe.

Oh, by the way, the Internet Censorship Act passed the Senate.

So Canadians are losing their right to free speech and fair elections. This can only beg the question – is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate?

And if not, do we have a moral obligation to comply with Justin’s legal cannabis rules and regulations?

Is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate?

To ask whether Justin Trudeau’s government is legitimate takes something like John Locke. The English philosopher and physician is considered by many to be the most influential enlightener and the “father of liberalism”.

Canada’s parliament has John Locke’s fingerprints all over it.

Locke says that legitimate state power comes from the consent of the governed. The government must represent the interests of the people in order to maintain its legitimacy.

If not, the people have a right to revolt. However, Locke said people should try to use peaceful means before resorting to violence.

Locke says people have the right to petition and protest against their government. Suppose the government doesn’t listen to people’s complaints. In this case, the people have the right to change or abolish the government and set up a new one.

In this context, is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate? Does it have the approval of the people?

The case against Trudeau

Is Justin Trudeau's government legitimate?

Just look at the 32.6% of the population who voted for the Liberal Party. There were more dissenting voices. In both 2019 and 2021, the Conservatives won the referendum.

However, the first-past-the-post system usually skews the results in this way, giving Southern Ontario and Quebec massive leverage. (To the point that elections are usually over before British Columbians even finish voting).

Before becoming prime minister, Justin Trudeau promised to abolish this system and replace it with a proportional voting system. He wanted “every vote counts”.

Many people voted for the Liberals in 2015, hoping Justin wasn’t lying when he tweeted that the “2015 election will be the last under the first-past-the-post system.”

But of course he abandoned the idea once he had his majority rule. And when Canadians rewarded him with two back-to-back minority governments, he joined forces with the NDP to govern as if he would still retain his majority.

Forming coalitions with members of the opposition is permissible in a parliamentary democracy, even if the opposition party lacks backbone.

But now we learn that those elections were not free from foreign influence. The Chinese funded 11 candidates. CSIS said one of the liberal candidates was basically a CCP stooge.

But in typical Trudeau fashion, the husband-and-child prime minister replied that these allegations were evidence of “anti-Asian racism.”

That conservatives and the media are trying to ‘sow chaos’, ‘confusion and distrust’.

Or as one Liberal Congressman put it, “This is the same tactic used by Trump to challenge election results. It is dangerous for Canadians to go down this path because, as I said, we have seen our neighbors to the south and what happens when you start demonizing democratic institutions and undermining their legitimacy.”

In other words, forget the list of scandals that have plagued this administration in its short 8-year existence and just trust us.

When peaceful protests fail

Truckers protest Justin Trudeau in OttawaTruckers from across Canada arrive in Ottawa to rally peacefully over COVID mandates.

Asking whether Justin Trudeau’s government is legitimate is like asking whether there is a moral duty to obey the law. Unfortunately, like most Westerners, Canadians identify the law with the state.

However, what is legal is not always what is legal.

All agree that it was unlawful to send Canadian citizens of Japanese descent to internment camps during World War II. The same applies to sending aboriginal children to residential schools.

However, these were all considered legal and valid by Parliament at the time.

When the Wuhan lab leaked COVID, the corporate state used the crisis to increase its own wealth and power.

Never let a good crisis go to waste is the mantra of the elite.

By 2020, the World Economic Forum had already “infiltrated” the federal government. Justin Trudeau is one of Klaus Schwab’s Global Young Leaders.

So Justin’s COVID regime has been particularly harsh. And when the Canadians finally had enough, they protested. They went to Ottawa and requested a meeting with the Prime Minister.

Of course, Justin refused. And in the weeks that followed, the Emergency Law would be imposed, giving extraordinary powers to end the protest, including freezing bank accounts.

The message was clear: you can protest against climate change. You can take to the streets and shout Black Lives Matter! as much as you want. But certain topics are taboo.

There was a review of the emergency law and questions about whether Justin abused his power. A Trudeau appointee and a longtime member of the Liberal Party led the review. He found no wrongdoing.

Likewise, with Chinese interference, Trudeau has hired someone from the Trudeau Foundation to investigate. But mostly he has called the CSIS report “inaccurate” without specifying what those inaccuracies might be.

Censorship Law Passed: Is Justin Trudeau’s Government Legitimate?

Is Justin Trudeau's government legitimate?

Is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate? The Senate passed Bill C-11, which puts Canada’s Internet under the same regulatory umbrella as television and radio.

Also, streaming giants like YouTube, Netflix and Spotify must produce “Canadian content” as defined by Ottawa bureaucrats.

Ultimately, it will limit the range of permissible opinions on the Internet. Since Trump and COVID, authorities and busybodies have insisted they must stem the tide of “misinformation.”

Of course, the only way to tell if something is “false” information is to compare it with other information.

And if the problem is that people are too stupid to think for themselves, then the government institutions that educate the population from kindergarten through high school are just the ticket.

Of course, fighting “misinformation” is another word for censorship. CLN has received at least one email from Health Canada regarding our content in the past.

Bill C-11 will only reinforce this process.

Is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate? We are losing our right to free speech. We are losing our right to protest peacefully. And we are losing our right to free and fair elections.

We are dangerously close to justifying John Locke’s right to revolution.

One Last Cure – Power flows the other way

In parliamentary systems such as Canada’s Westminster system, “wrong flow of power” refers to when the executive branch (usually the prime minister and cabinet) has too much power and influence over the legislature (represented by MPs or “backbenchers”). ).

The system is designed to allow legislators to independently deliberate and make decisions on behalf of their constituents.

In reality, the executive controls government resources and decision-making to exert pressure and control the actions of the legislature.

This is a problem with the parliamentary system itself. In theory, it looks real. In practice, with a majority government, the prime minister has the power of a dictator.

And indeed, Justin Trudeau has no problem taking on the role. During COVID, he sought to dismantle the very basis of “good government” by being able to pass budgets and spend money without getting Parliament’s approval.

The last time Canadians took up arms against their government was in 1837. And it was about that very issue of good government.

Fortunately, Trudeau didn’t prevail, and the foundations of the Canadian Parliament are still standing. In theory, Canadians can pressure their MPs to remove Trudeau from office.

In fact, it only takes a bunch of NDP supporters to occupy their MPs’ offices. With enough pressure, Jagmeet Singh must pull the plug on the government.

Or maybe they’ll invoke the emergency law again.

Do we have a moral obligation to follow Justin’s legal cannabis rules?

Is Justin Trudeau's government legitimate?

Is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate? Does it have the approval of the people? I believe that only individuals can express their consent. So, no, the “social contract” theory of government is akin to the “divine right of kings.”

In other words, taxation is institutionalized blackmail. Only you can express your consent. A rape condoned by the majority is still a rape.

Just as residential schools were unlawful, despite what the then Parliament or the Supreme Court may have said.

With that in mind, do Canadians have a moral obligation to follow Justin’s legal cannabis rules? Especially given the lack of legitimacy of his government?

No, we are not morally obliged to submit to the dictates of the politically responsible. This would lead to immoral acts based on the premise of “just following orders”.

We should disregard laws that violate human rights. Do current Canadian recreational cannabis laws violate the human rights of medicinal cannabis patients? i would say so

What about cannabis laws that are simply bad or ineffective, such as B. Excise taxes? Their disregard is justified if it would lead to a better outcome or a fairer society.

Individuals have a moral duty to act according to their conscience and principles, rather than blindly following political rules and regulations.

Of course, cannabis activists know that breaking the law has consequences. But so does obedience to the immoral.

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