Is Justin Trudeau guilty of treason? – Cannabis News, Lifestyle
Is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau guilty of treason? The Criminal Code defines “treason” as someone attempting to overthrow the state or aid its enemies. “Treason” commits who:
a) uses force or force to overthrow the government of Canada or any province,
b) discloses military or scientific material without lawful authority to agents of a foreign state when he or she knows or ought to know that the material could be used to adversely affect Canada’s security or defense;
or c) engages in any specific listed conspiracy or attempted crime.
These “listed conspiracies” include intimidation of Parliament, sabotage, and inciting mutiny and sedition.
So is Justin Trudeau guilty of these crimes? Let’s look at his record.
But… But… He legalized cannabis!
Justin Trudeau didn’t legalize cannabis. Thousands of activists, growers, consumers and business owners have legalized cannabis. Beginning in the late 1990s, British Columbia’s cannabis scene became less dominated by criminal gangs. Peaceful people who loved the plant engaged in the underground economy. “BC Bud” became world famous for its quality and potency.
The Canadian government, which produces billions of untaxed dollars each year, could no longer ignore the golden goose. And like in the fairy tale, the farmer got greedy. Rather than opening Canada’s cannabis economy to market forces, the Trudeau administration adopted a top-down authoritarian approach.
They treated cannabis legalization as a public health fear, something only they could handle. In reality, government mismanagement of the cannabis record has resulted in far more plastic waste than necessary. CBD, which has all sorts of health and industrial benefits, remains tightly controlled and regulated.
Far from using cannabis as the basis of a new green economy, Justin Trudeau used cannabis legalization as an excuse to line the pockets of billionaires. BC’s little mom-and-pops are still illegal unless they’re willing to play ball.
This is not legalization. This is blackmail 101.
The case for treason
Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister in 2015. During the election, the opposition campaigned that the young liberal leader was “just not ready”. This seems to be the case. Consider the things he’s done since he took over the PMO.
- Threatening to use the military to stage a peaceful protest
- His insistence that the CRTC regulate and censor the Internet
- Drive up fuel prices with CO2 taxes
- Force provinces to price carbon even though it is the foundation of Alberta’s economy (a province that has virtually never elected Liberals)
- Unable to provide clean water to Indian reserves despite ongoing promises to do so
- He admits he’s not thinking about monetary policy at a time when inflation is hitting record highs. In saying that he prefers to think of “Canadian families,” it’s clear that Justin Trudeau doesn’t understand how the economy works.
- Speaking of which, he claimed the budgets would balance themselves. He put Canada back in the red long before COVID.
- More than two dozen Christian churches were burned. Not a word from Trudeau. But he will continue to talk about the “residential school mass grave” hypothesis as if it were a proven fact.
- WIR scandal
- SNC scandal
- blackface scandals
- He claimed to be a “feminist” but then ousted two high-profile ministers when they denounced him for his corruption
- Ethical Beliefs
- Couldn’t even pick a governor general that wasn’t venomous and abusive.
- Appointment of Vice Admiral Art McDonald as Chief of Defense Staff, which lasted less than a month when McDonald was forced to resign amid a military police investigation.
- Blamed the US when Iran shot down a plane carrying Canadians
- Despite housing shortages and the fact that many skilled immigrants are unable to find work in their fields due to our political bureaucracy, record numbers of immigration are being brought in.
- Ignore the railroad blockades in early 2020
- Attempt to end 180 years of good government by declaring ’emergency spending’ powers during Covid pandemic.
- Failed UN seats
- Holidays in questionable places with questionable people at questionable times. At the expense of the taxpayer.
- “people’s child”
- Elbow of a female MP in the house
- Harassment allegations from several women
- Allow Chinese agents into Canada’s virology lab, then block all attempts by Parliament to investigate
- Admiration for China’s “simple dictatorship”.
- Vaccination mandates, also for entering parliament
- No new naval ships or militarization of the Arctic, leaving the door wide open for Russian occupation (which has already begun).
- The $600 million in subsidies to the media as a means of narrative control (case in point, Trudeau apparently made “a joke” about how much the government subsidized the media in this country).
- Omar Khadr paid out $10.5 million
- His Indian entourage included Jaspal Atwal, a convicted terrorist and attempted murderer
- Leaving the “Micheals” in China
- Want to secure Covid vaccines exclusively from China and then don’t close the deal.
- He vows to ban plastic even as his cannabis industry develops all new types of it
- million unemployed
- Illegal tracking of 33 million Canadians on their cell phones
- He took almost 500 people to the Paris summit
- Fly around the world in a private jet and advocate for how “we” need to reduce our carbon emissions.
- nepotism and nepotism. For example, the Trudeau administration paid $84 million to a firm that employed his chief of staff’s husband to administer a rent-aid subsidy program
- COVID detention centers and any reference to them as ‘harmful misinformation’.
- He labels his political opponents as racist and sexist…rather than people with differing views on the proper role of government in society.
- Roxham Road reopened to illegal frontier workers
- Not examining apparent Chinese influence in the 2021 federal election (probably because it benefited them and cost the Conservatives valuable seats in British Columbia).
- Billions are missing and wasted in infrastructure spending
- Shipping 16 tons of personal protective equipment to China during the Covid pandemic.
- Kneeling during the Black Lives Matter protest, exactly a week after telling Canadians the pandemic isn’t over and that they shouldn’t leave their homes.
- Parliament suspended in favor of press conferences outside his cottage
- Refusal to live in the Prime Minister’s traditional place of residence
- At least $713 billion in debt. $75.9 million spent every day. Most of it in the form of interest payments. However, this clown believes spending more will help future generations
- The refusal to build pipelines and expand Canada’s oil industry. So that the world, and especially Europe, will ultimately have to rely on authoritarian regimes in Russia and Saudi Arabia for energy supplies.
So is Justin Trudeau guilty of treason?
So is Justin Trudeau guilty of treason? That’s just a list of 50 things. I’m sure there are many more. How many of these sound telltale to you?
The fact that Trudeau tried to undermine good government is proof enough for me. Both English and French Canadians rebelled against their ruling elites in 1837. In response, the English overlords sent Lord Durham to investigate what had caused the rebellion.
In his recommendation, he said that governments of the colonies should not be able to issue or collect taxes without the consent of an elected house. This is called “responsible government”. That’s exactly what Trudeau was trying to undermine in 2020. And if he had had a majority government, he would have gotten away with it too.
That makes Justin Trudeau guilty of treason, at least to me.
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