Interesting cannabis facts and a weed word search
Sometimes it just takes to learn something new and wacky to brighten the day … That’s what it’s all about. In hopes of adding some joy to your day, here are some random and interesting cannabis facts. There is also a weed word search at the end.
The Bard & Bud
Shakespeare used to smoke weed. Scientists excavated his garden and found pipes that were 400 years old. Of the 24 found, eight had traces of cannabis.
Shakespeare’s collection of clay pipes.
Hemp batch harvest
In the 18th century, hemp was considered a staple food. American farmers, we have a legal obligation to grow it. Back then, hemp was used for the manufacture of textiles and paper, including equipment on a ship. Naturally strong and resilient, hemp was ideal for marine use because it could withstand salt water well.
US Founding Fathers smoke hemp
Some of the US founding fathers were known to grow hemp. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison all grew hemp on their farms. Thomas Jefferson was known to smoke “hemp” on his back porch. George Washington used to grow cannabis and used it to relieve the pain in his teeth. He personally took care of his plants and separated the male from the female plants.
US President George Washington.
Important paperwork
The very first book ever printed by the printing press was the Gutenberg Bible in 1456. It was printed on hemp paper. The first and second drafts of the US Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper. After that, parchment was used.
Cars and planes
In 1942, Henry Ford created a car body from hemp fiber. It’s supposed to be ten times stronger than steel, although it’s much lighter. Today the Hempearth Group stepped up the stakes by creating the first hemp plane. Its wingspan is large enough to accommodate four people. The aircraft is made of hemp fiber and runs on hemp biodiesel. Since it is much lighter than most planes of its size, the hemp plane does not use as much fuel as other conventional planes.
The Hempearth hemp plane
Built-in stink protection
Refined hemp fabric is ideal for making underwear for several reasons. First of all, cannabis leaves are softer and more durable than cotton. In addition, hemp fabric is far more breathable than many other materials. Research has shown that breathable underwear can help prevent fungal infections. But the main reason hemp makes great underwear is because it’s a natural odor repellent. Hemp is known to have antibacterial properties and these are responsible for odor.
North Korea
North Korea has no laws that regulate or prohibit cannabis in any way. It can be bought in markets across the country, grown at home, or harvested in the wild. There has been some debate about the unclear legal status because it is hard to imagine the government looking the other way. Not to mention the few who flare up in North Korea and come back to tell the story. In 2010, Open Radio announced North Korea would crack down on methamphetamine, but did not say anything about cannabis. Ultimately, clear information about the laws in North Korea is not easy to come by. As far as the world has seen, there are no regulations on cannabis use.
Henry the Eighth
In 1533 King Henry VIII passed a law that made hemp cultivation compulsory. Back then, hemp was used to make ropes, sails, nets, and other marine equipment. English farmers had to grow a quarter of an acre of hemp or flax on sixty acres of land. The penalty for non-compliance was a fine of three shillings and four pence. At the time, that was equivalent to half a year’s wages for a domestic worker.
Cannabis facts Bhutan – Pigs are stoned in Bhutan
Bhutanese pigs can enjoy the high life! In order to fatten their pigs, the farmers in Eastern and Western Bhutan like to have them baked as much as possible. They feed them cannabis because the locals prefer fatty pork. Cannabis is added to their diet to increase their food intake and make them sleep more often. As you can imagine, this technique is effective.
The use of cannabis is illegal in Bhutan and can be punished with up to 3 years in prison. There are no medical exceptions. Ironically, cannabis grows naturally across the country. The Bhutanese government has launched an extermination program, but the task has proven to be next to impossible. Although field after field is on fire, too much grows in the wild to control it.
Hope you enjoyed these random cannabis facts! If you want to have a little more fun and use your noggin in a different way, try the weed word search below.
Footnote (s)
https://www.breathebhutan.com/blog/unusual-facts-about-bhutan/#:~:text=Pigs%20fly%20in%20Bhutan&text=Farmers%20in%20the%20Eastern%20and,more%20and%20grow% 20 fatter% 20 faster.
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