Indiana lawmakers welcome public feedback on medical cannabis

A week after the state party announced a major push to legalize cannabis in Indiana, a Democratic legislature there stands ready to seek the medicinal benefits of cannabis.

Indiana State Representative Sue Errington announced this week that she will be hosting a Community Talking Circle in her hometown of Muncie next Monday, December 6th, to “provide public feedback on the legalization of medical cannabis in Indiana hear”.

The event follows last month’s announcement by the Indiana Democratic Party that it shows “its full support for efforts to legalize recreational cannabis across the state” and that its members intend to pass the new cannabis law in the upcoming legislature Meeting.

“Legalizing marijuana in some form is backed by about 80 percent of the Hoosiers and would provide an opportunity to provide the state with an additional source of income, create well-paying jobs, develop a long-term source of income for Indiana’s ag and business communities, people like Provide medical facilities to veterans and senior citizens of the state and begin the process of simple possession of records across the state, “the party said in a statement at the time.

The party cited a recent poll showing that 78 percent of Indians support the legalization of cannabis, citing the successful legalization efforts in nearby Illinois and Michigan as a proof of concept.

In the announcement, the state said that Hoosiers are currently “pouring millions of dollars into the economies of Michigan and Illinois – where cannabis is legalized” and that ending the Indiana ban would result in the state “having a guaranteed harvest in the long run.” “Has term used for the state’s corporations and farming communities, creating a source of revenue for the General Assembly that can be used in future meetings.”

“Hoosiers have seen the impact recreational and medicinal cannabis use has made on the states around us, and not only are they contributing to the economies of neighboring states, Indiana is now on the verge of losing all. The Republican super majority in the Statehouse will lose its economic common sense if they don’t join the Democrats at this session and make this opportunity a winner for the Hoosier State, ”said Mike Schmuhl, chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party.

The Hoosier State Democrats’ announcement came the day before “Organization Day,” a symbolic opening day of the legislative calendar when lawmakers meet and prepare. The legislative period is due to begin in January.

Errington said she encourages “anyone interested in whether it supports or disapproves of legalization to join our Community Talking Circle so we can have a full, open conversation.”

“The General Assembly needs to hear your voice if we are considering legalization in the upcoming legislature,” she said.

The fight for cannabis reform has long been one of Errington’s greatest political goals. On her campaign website, she lamented the thousands of cannabis arrests that occur annually in Indiana, saying that such enforcement would “come at an enormous financial cost to individuals and the state for a substance that is generally considered to be less harmful than alcohol be viewed “.

“Hoosiers suffering from pain and a variety of chronic diseases should not be arrested and detained for possession of cannabis, which is legally available in 33 other states and the District of Columbia,” Errington said on her website. “We should also stop filling our prisons with people convicted of minor marijuana possession. Enforcement of the marijuana laws hits the youth and minorities hardest and has resulted in outrageous racial disparities in the prison population. “

In the press release promoting the Talking Circle, Errington noted that nearly 40 states have legalized medical cannabis and said that “the reality is that medical cannabis is becoming an accepted and preferred treatment across the country”.

“Medical cannabis is a safe, non-addictive alternative to opioids that could benefit Hoosiers living with chronic pain and anxiety disorders, including our brave veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder,” said Errington. “Those who have sacrificed so much for our state deserve effective pain management rather than a potential criminal record.”

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