Important tips for marijuana consumption at the fair

Fall brings fairs, carnivals, and more… while you join in the fun, there are a few tips you should know if you plan on using marijuana.

September is a peak time for fairs, followed by October with the Halloween carnivals. Elephant ears, Ferris wheels and carnivals appeal to our childlike joy of fun, excitement, different foods and more. But what if you want to relax while visiting? Here are some important tips on consuming marijuana at the fair.

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With over 50% of the country having access to legal marijuana, some take it for granted, like a beer, and it's accepted everywhere. But it's wise to think ahead, especially if you're traveling with large groups of people — including families and children. The Minnesota State Fair is the fair with the highest daily attendance, and the Texas State Fair, the largest in the country by total attendance, saw a peak daily attendance of 141,410 in 2023, but a total attendance of 2,341,449. Some parts of the fair are geared toward kids, others toward a mixed crowd, like the pirate ship and roller coasters.

Fairs are a true spectacle full of sensations. The lights, sounds, movements, smells and food appeal to all the senses. The fairground is the main path or road along which fairgoers walk to find side shows, food stalls and other amusements.

The most important thing is to be discreet, trade fairs are family events. Choose an e-cigarette or gummy bears over smoking. They smell less and are therefore less noticeable. An e-cigarette also allows you to control your high.

If you're new to using marijuana, consider getting a light high so you don't get overwhelmed by the amount of sensations. This way you can also experience both without freaking out. A piece of gummy might put you in the right mood to take in everything that's happening and enjoy it on the next level.

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The fair is all about food, so if you're prone to cravings, this will be a feast of flavors. Consider eating beforehand, or be aware that this will be a cheat day. Everything from fried butter to hot dogs will look good.

Start the rides slowly. Let the high settle into your mind and body before getting on the Scrambler. This gives your body time to adjust so there are no unpleasant surprises.

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Interesting fact: Cotton candy was originally called “fairy floss” and was invented in 1897 by candy makers William Morris and John C. Wharton of Nashville, Tennessee. It was introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.

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