Important Steps If Your Dog Has Marijuana
Summer is fun, but it can also be a little hectic… and one look and a dog can eat anything – don't panic, but here are the steps to take if he's eating grass.
Family vacations, road trips, camping, outdoor barbecues… summer is full of fun activities. For the over 44% of households that have a dog, this can be a little challenging. Dogs are curious, hungry, and can spot a “treat” from a hundred miles away. So don’t panic, but here are the important steps to take if your dog has marijuana.
Dogs sniff food before eating it. They are trying to get a feel for what they are about to eat. If the food is stale or spoiled, they may refuse to eat it, or it may simply be because it doesn't taste/smell good or is unfamiliar to them. It is unlikely that a dog would eat flowers for the taste, but edibles, gummy bears, and other things with little smell might be suitable for them.
Regardless of how much marijuana your dog consumes, you should keep an eye on his symptoms and know what marijuana poisoning looks like. Symptoms can change depending on the size of the dog and the amount of cannabis consumed. These may include vomiting, drooling, wobbly movements, barking or howling, lethargy, rapid heartbeat, and changes in body temperature. Although symptoms may seem quite varied, they reflect how the dog is feeling. Like alcohol, which should never be given to an animal, dogs cannot process why their world has suddenly changed.
“Although marijuana is not necessarily toxic to dogs, other compounds can cause adverse reactions if your dog ingests it in food form. Some of the ingredients in foods, such as chocolate or the sugar substitute xylitol, can be fatal,” says Michael San Filippo, spokesman for the American Veterinary Medical Association.
If you are concerned that your dog has eaten something, you should contact your veterinarian and, if necessary, take him to the emergency room to make sure nothing is wrong. This way, the experienced professionals can find a solution. Be honest about your concerns so they can determine treatment and save your dog's life.
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Although it's best to seek medical attention, making your dog vomit is relatively easy and can help them clear the toxins from their stomach. If done within 15 minutes of ingestion, it can help prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream. “Give your dog one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide orally per 10 pounds. Your dog should vomit within about 15 minutes,” said Gary Weitzman, president of the San Diego Humane Society.
Another important point is to remember that a dog is not a human and cannot comprehend what is going on. Enjoy the trip, relax, and sometimes remember that the blue gummy bear made him sick. Regardless of the bad experiences, some dogs do not learn and will try to eat something again if it smells good. Make sure the marijuana and edibles are stored in an out of reach place where the elements cannot fall and where the dog cannot find them. All household members should know that marijuana must be kept out of reach of your pet.
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