Important information about marijuana for those over 60

It's going to be a big summer for the cannabis industry – will baby boomers join Generation Z in embracing marijuana?

It's the summer of cannabis, and there's a chance of reclassification. Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have acknowledged that marijuana has medicinal benefits and is not a dangerous drug. The American Medical Association has also acknowledged that it can help patients, and they and research show that it's better for you than alcohol. Generation Z has started to turn away from alcohol (mainly beer) and embrace cannabis. With all of these changes – here's important information for those over 60 about marijuana in today's world.

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Cannabis can be used in two ways: recreationally (for fun) and medicinally. Although a little high never hurt anyone, you don't have to be high to benefit from medical marijuana. Potent medical CBD strains contain small amounts of THC. These strains focus on the therapeutic side of the plant and produce little to no psychoactive effects.

The other interesting news is that the days of smoking cannabis tend to be numbered. It is used more by enthusiasts and the old-fashioned consumer. Today, most users use an e-cigarette or a gummy. You can control the dosage better, they are discreet and you can take them to events without any smell. Generation Z has really embraced the mobile aspect of today's marijuana.

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As we age, the body begins to weaken in every way, leading to pain and discomfort. Older people are more prone to inflammation, mental and bone problems, and high blood pressure. Evidence and studies show that cannabis is a great way to provide relief, especially for chronic pain.

One of the most common uses of cannabis for well-being is for sleep. Like most natural medicines, it needs to be taken occasionally, but only in enough amounts to change your sleep pattern. In the right dosage, it can increase total sleep time and reduce the frequency of arousals during the night.

Another major issue is anxiety. Some people, particularly those with social anxiety disorder, use marijuana to cope with anxiety. THC appears to reduce anxiety at lower doses and increase anxiety at higher doses. Studies have shown that CBD appears to reduce anxiety at all doses.

In the fun category, marijuana is healthier than alcohol and can make experiences much more vivid and lively. Science shows that listening to music, watching movies or just looking at the scenery is more vivid. One reason for this is that THC slows down the “part of the brain responsible for searching for memories” and allows it to focus on the moment. Cannabis and cannabis creams can also help in the area of ​​intimacy, sometimes reopening a door that was closed.

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There needs to be awareness of the potential effects of marijuana on common medications used by older adults. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology states that marijuana can interact with common heart medications such as statins and blood thinners. Marijuana use can alter the duration of these medications' effects and can also lead to bleeding.

One should also avoid combining marijuana with anti-epileptic drugs or other substances with strong effects. When undergoing surgery, it is important for older adults to tell doctors about their marijuana use, even if this includes the use of CBD. The compound has also been linked to a change in the way the liver processes dosages of medications.

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Like alcohol, cannabis can make you a little unsteady on your feet. Consumption of both can lead to dizziness and a feeling of losing control of your body. This, in turn, can increase the risk of falls and accidents of all kinds. Falls are a serious risk for seniors, with 1 in 5 falls resulting in a head injury or broken bones. The good news: if you do it right, cannabis will make you relax.

How CBD helps seniors with sportsPhoto by Caiaimage/Trevor Adeline/Getty Images

According to a study published in the journal Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, older marijuana users, like alcohol users, are more likely to suffer from depression than non-users. Although it's not known exactly why this is, it's likely a combination of factors: These users may be using cannabis instead of seeking medical help, or cannabis may be interacting with the medications they're already taking in a way that doesn't benefit them.

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