I wore hemp jeans for a week and here is what happened
When the world went green with the legalization of hemp and cannabis, something funny happened. With all the food and flowers being eaten, I needed new jeans and I was sick of all the new stretchy and pliable jeans that came out during COVID.
If you’re not familiar with stretch or flex jeans, they’re made from a combination of cotton, denim, and a variety of stretch fabrics. Basically, since everyone has their COVID 10 wrapped up, the jeans companies have made jeans very elastic and stretchy so you can go to the store and still buy the same size, even though you might be a little bigger thanks to COVID. Think Spanx is mixed into your denim.
A problem with these new “flexible” or “stretchy” jeans is that they have some elasticity around the waist and the inseam, but tend to tear and tear easily compared to normal old “pre-covid jeans” . While we still felt good buying our same pre-COVID waists, the fact was that those extra 10 pounds had to “stretch” and “bend” in part of the jeans, causing premature rips and tears.
To test a real hemp jeans, I had to first check how my actual size compared to pre-COVID, as I knew hemp as a coarse and strong fiber. I purposely avoided any type of hemp jeans that had a mix of “stretch” or “flexible” in the title. I just wanted hemp jeans, not a Spanx mix.
I knew that while hemp is strong and natural, it also had to be “done with” to sit on the skin and not be too rough or too rough. So I was looking for a Lucky Brand hemp jeans that was just right for me. Then I wore them for a week. Here is my review.
-You’re sturdy and strong, there’s no mess here.
-Very inflexible or stretchy
-The fabric is coarser than pure cotton or even jeans, but not as uncomfortable. They are not flannel pajamas, but comfortable jeans.
-The price was comparable to traditional jeans and cheaper than some of the denim and fancy materials that are used and marketed at “$ 100 a pair of jeans? Lot.
– Hemp is a super strong fiber so the lifetime value of the jeans can be much longer than anything you’ve tried before.
-They are strong and sturdy, no bending or stretching. If you are looking for “cheat jeans” that will keep you the same size for your ego but add some elasticity to the waist to “stretch a bit” for you, this is not the jeans for you. You’d better check your true post-COVID size as you are not ordering what you were before COVID and hoping they will expand a bit. This is a very unforgiving pair of jeans that will hold you accountable.
-Though the jeans are treated with something to soften the hemp fiber, they are still a bit coarse, like tough denim jeans. These are work jeans, strong and sturdy, they won’t tear or tear as easily as you’d expect from hemp fiber. I wouldn’t want to wrap a newborn baby with them, but for normal work jeans, they’re not so rough or scratchy that you feel uncomfortable.
Hemp jeans are strong and durable, no tears or premature tears due to elastic material that is incorporated into the cotton. Hemp jeans are never as soft as cotton jeans, but they are 10x better for the environment. Whether you’re growing hemp versus growing cotton or all the way down to the chemicals you need to make your cotton jeans so soft and not so easy to tear. Strong, rugged, better for the environment, and they are throwing away all of the post-COVID marketing to keep customers the same size so they don’t have to admit that COVID 10 isn’t really that bad. These jeans have no consciousness, they are not there to make you feel thinner than you are, they are a gut and reality check for all of us who are coming out of our COVID cocoon and need a quick dose of reality to wake up. A cold glass of water on our face to wake up to, one that says, no, you are no longer a 32 inch waist, you are a 34. You are no longer a size 5, but a size 6 or 7. If If you want to live in a fantasy land and think the extra 10 pounds after COVID are not real, buy the Spanx-style jeans and let them stretch and bend you. If you want a fresh start with jeans that you will have for 5 years, try the green hemp train and get yourself some hemp jeans.
Hemp jeans are your wake up call.
Hemp jeans are your invitation back into the world outside of your home.
Hemp jeans are exactly what you need, not what you want.
Cannabis-infused clothing is coming, what looks good?
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