I will try Delta-8 THC for the first time, how high will I get?
Cannabis is arguably the most versatile plant on the planet. Every day we discover more exhilarating and exciting uses of this herb. Cannabis has provided us with everything from building materials to herbal remedies.
Delta-8 THC, also known as Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, isn’t a new discovery. It was first introduced by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam aka “The Father of Cannabis” discovered. in 1965. But it seems that its enormous potential has been hidden since its discovery. With more research on the effects of Delta-8 THC, the use of Delta-8 products has increased dramatically. A whole new market has emerged as the demand for Delta-8 edibles, tinctures, vapes, and more has grown.
So what’s so special about Delta-8, what’s the high like, and why is everyone so eager to try it?
background information
Before we have a full discussion of Delta-8, it’s important to know where it came from and what it is exactly.
Delta-8 is a cannabinoid derived from cannabis. It is one of the many compounds (over a hundred cannabinoids) found in the plant. When consumed, Delta-8 reacts with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The main role of the ECS is to maintain other important body systems such as the immune system and the nervous system.
The main function of a cannabinoid in the ECS is to connect to its above mentioned receptors. It is digested by enzymes and then helps transmit signals the body needs to regain function and balance.
What to Expect from a Delta-8 THC High
As Delta-8 THC continues to grow in popularity, one question is on everyone’s lips: How does the Delta-8 THC high feel? Well, it makes perfect sense to want to know what you’re getting yourself into before you try it out.
Delta-8 high
A delta-8 high is very different from the usual high associated with cannabis. While Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC share some common characteristics, they are simply different. Let’s take a look at what to expect when you experience a delta-8 THC high.
How the high feels
It is important to understand that it varies from person to person before delving too deeply into whether or not Delta-8 gets you high. People who have used Delta-8 may have different experiences from yours. This is very important to note as a first time user.
By “first-time users”, we generally mean first-time users of marijuana. If you’ve done an experiment with Delta-9 THC or other forms of cannabinoids, you most likely know what to expect. As a first-time user, the high can come across as intense or strong as it has nothing to do with the high.
Amusingly, the Delta-8 experience could also be found to be gentle and calm. Some users find Delta-8 THC-High to be very relaxing and leave them in a calm and calm state. They find themselves clear on the task, perform various tasks, and smoothly go on with their daily activities. It is said to be a feeling of cold, relaxation and contentment that floods the body.
Other effects of Delta-8 THC High are an increase in appetite, but not as intense as the Munchies version. It helps improve mood, put you in a happy state of mind, and also helps relieve aches and pains.
In summary, Delta-8 tries to achieve the following effects;
To reiterate, everyone has a different feel about Delta-8 THC. However, the effects discussed above are the standard experience reported by users. Hence, you need to be prepared for other effects not discussed above.
Typical onset time for Delta-8
Not everyone gets high on Delta-8 THC. But if it gets you high, how long does it take to kick in properly? The onset time of Delta-8 varies from person to person, particularly depending on the method by which Delta-8 was administered. For example, a value cartridge will kick in faster than an edible one. For the most part, Delta-8 THC cartridges kick in almost immediately. Then the effect peaks a few minutes later and continues.
How the high sets in also depends on your tolerance to marijuana and various intoxicants. If your tolerance level is high due to prolonged cannabis consumption, you may need to use a higher dosage or wait longer before the high sets in.
If you’re vaping Delta-8 THC, the exposure time should be between five and six minutes. This, too, differs from person to person.
How long does it take
Your tolerance, method of application, and various other factors will all affect the length of your delta-8-THC high. The Delta-8 THC gives a significant high, but the duration of the high varies from person to person.
To give you an idea and a number to look up to, the Delta-8 high can last a maximum of five hours. The peak lasts between 30 minutes and two hours in most cases, a very wide range!
How long does Delta-8 stay in your system?
Delta-8 THC is certainly a psychoactive, THC-analog compound. Since Delta-8 THC gets people high, considering how those tests measure THC, you will fail a drug test with Delta-8 THC in your system.
Delta-8 THC can remain in your system much like any other cannabis product. While the usual time frame should be 30 days, it also varies greatly from person to person. Depending on the person’s weight, the amount consumed, and several other factors, it may take more or less of the usual 30 days to get rid of your Delta-8
Delta-8 is a special type of THC that has both healing and intoxicating effects. Because of its intoxicating effects, you should use Delta-8 responsibly and privately so as not to harm people. The first time you try Delta-8, stay safe, sound, and think of all that has been discussed while using this unique THC alternative.
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