How weed training can help stave off unwanted vacation weight

For those of you who don’t consider yourself a fitness junkies, exercising can be a chore that you should avoid at all costs. However, as the holidays get closer, unwanted weight gain while on vacation is inevitable without you having a plan to stay active.

Little do not know that cannabis could be the missing ingredient for a fulfilling Christmas season with the perfect balance of activity and enjoyment. Here is how.

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Photo by Alexander Redl via Unsplash

Weed can lead to longer workouts

One reason many people shy away from exercising is because they are grappling with excruciating injuries and discomfort. When those suffering from these type of conditions decide to take the plunge and hit the gym for a workout, it is not uncommon for them to have to end their workouts earlier than originally intended.

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One important way cannabis helps us shed extra vacation pounds is by making it easier to overcome injuries because of the plant’s anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in muscle relaxation and changes our perception of time.

Weed can motivate you to exercise

Another reason exercising is easier said than done is that, in many cases, people just aren’t motivated to move. While many do not associate cannabis with motivation, some anecdotal research shows that cannabis is effective in helping us provide the boost we need to hit the gym.

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In a 2019 study published in Frontiers in Public Health magazine, more than half of those surveyed said that including cannabis in their exercise regimen helped motivate them to exercise. In addition, 70% of those survey participants have also claimed that cannabis makes their workouts more enjoyable.

Weed can help you recover after exercising

In addition to the lack of motivation to exercise, another obstacle that keeps people from exercising is the feeling of feeling afterwards. Think about it. Why should someone exercise if they feel terrible the next day? Fortunately, people who experience pain after exercising can rely on CBD products to help them recover.

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According to scientists, this is the connection effective for helping people recover from exercise due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties. So next time you’re scared of your workout because you’re going to feel like it, resort to CBD oil or gummy bears!

There’s no question that exercising can be a daunting task, but staying active is key to keeping those vacation pounds in check. Among the many resources available to help people overcome the inevitable weight that comes with the holiday season, cannabis is likely not an obvious choice. As the holidays approach, you can keep this in mind to stay healthy while enjoying your favorite Christmas gifts.

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