How to use cannabis for self care

Self-care is essential to reducing stress, maintaining balance and preventing burnout. We know cannabis can help manage stress, but how can we use cannabis for self-care?

First, it’s important to realize that self-care is simply the practice of taking care of ourselves. On the surface it may seem simple, like relaxation and bubble baths, it’s much more than that. Self-care is something we can build into our everyday lives by moving our bodies, eating healthily, sleeping better and doing it from our to- Cross out the do list. And cannabis can help with all of these activities.

What self-care and cannabis use are not

After work, smoking a bowl and then curling up on the couch aimlessly scrolling through social media isn’t exactly what we mean when we use cannabis for self-care.

Photo of Madison Inouye from pixel

Here’s how to fit cannabis into your self-care routine

move your body

Of course, every list of self-care tips includes exercise, and that might make you roll your eyes, but use cannabis to motivate you.

We say move your body instead of exercise because we want to encourage you to move your body in ways that feel comfortable for you without putting pressure on yourself to move intensely.

Here are some ways cannabis has helped us with the move:

  • Be outside and walk in nature
  • Relaxing in yoga or a deep stretch

Cannabis can help with exercise motivation because it releases the same endorphins that people with a runner’s high experience. It also helps reduce post-workout pain, especially pain and inflammation, making fitness a part of our routine.

eat well

Yes, we should all try to eat healthily whenever possible, but it’s a challenge. Instead, let’s make cannabis use a part of our self-care routine by making our favorite meal or snack with cannabis.

There are many edible cannabis products on the market today, but creating something nutritious for your body can be an integral part of the process. Grab some cannabis-infused coconut oil, butter, or olive oil (or make your own) and grab your favorite recipe for a chill night.

Make checking off tasks fun

Crossing things off your to-do list can be an important part of taking care of ourselves. When we have a long to-do list, it can be difficult to sit down and relax, especially when those to-dos are chores. (It can be difficult to relax in a crowded environment). So use cannabis to make things on your to-do list more fun.

Be creative and turn chores into playtime in whatever way makes sense to you. Consider playing your favorite music and throwing a chore dance party. If you have roommates, a partner, or children, consider making a game or competition out of it.

Difficult to relax

Consume your favorite cannabis and consciously relax.

  • Grab a cannabis bath bomb or bath salts and take a nice long soak.
  • Lie down or sit and meditate
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Watch your favorite movie or TV show

Whatever activity you choose (it doesn’t have to be from this list), make sure you do it wisely. If you find your mind drifting to anxious thoughts or your hand reaches for your phone, bring your attention back to the moment and focus on being present. Let cannabis help you unplug and dial in to take control of your self-care time.

sleep hard

Sleep is a part of our routine that is often compromised when we are stressed. And when we sleep less, we’re more likely to feel irritable and anxious. Better sleep can make a huge difference in our overall psychological well-being.

Good sleep hygiene suggests a bedtime that prepares our bodies for sleep, and cannabis can be a valuable part of that. Consume your favorite indica or CBD dose about thirty minutes before bed, unplug electronics, dim the lights, and engage in relaxation activities conducive to sleep.

Take care of your personal needs

Cannabis has made its way into the bedroom, and for good reason. Studies have shown that cannabis increases arousal and improves orgasm satisfaction in people with vulvas.

So, grab your cannabis-infused lube (and maybe a partner) and take some time to please yourself. Take your self-care to the next level with cannabis.

Get creative

Taking the time to get creative and engage in a hobby can be incredibly relaxing. Use cannabis to unleash your creativity and get creative with something you love or try something new.

Maybe you want to draw, paint, sing, make music. Or maybe you just want to pull out the adult coloring book. Whatever you choose, have fun with it.

Final thoughts on cannabis for self-sufficiency

Adding cannabis to one of your favorite activities can be part of your self-care routine because you’re doing it safely and intentionally. Make time for yourself, and if cannabis can help you with that – even better.

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