How to treat a summer cold

Colds are more common in winter, but also in summer when they are particularly bad. Colds in summer are usually associated with different viruses than those we experience in winter. However, there is no need to panic, because colds can be easily treated and improved with few remedies.

These colds are usually caused by the enterovirus that thrives in hot weather. Here’s how you can prevent and treat a summer cold:

Wash your hands often

Photo by Matthew Henry on Burst

Hand washing is a great way to avoid viruses in general, especially when going to places and getting in touch with people and other places. All pandemic rules apply: wash your hands with soap and water for more than 20 seconds. If it doesn’t, use hand sanitizer.

Prioritize sleep

Teenagers with sleep problems are more likely to drink alcohol and use cannabisPhoto by Gregory Pappas via Unsplash

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Sleep is important for recovering from a virus or disease. To get the rest you need, sleep 7 to 9 hours a night and take a nap when your body demands it. Sleep keeps your immune system working properly and helps it fight off any incoming infection.

drink lots of water

Photo by qimono via Pixabay

Infection and hot weather make your body more likely to dry out quickly. Staying hydrated is even more important when you have a fever as these symptoms can drain your body very quickly.

Humidifiers and OTC medications can help a lot

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Humidifiers are very useful for relieving coughs and nasal congestion. They can help you sleep better and thus recover faster. When it comes to over-the-counter medications, these can help you manage your symptoms and provide temporary relief as your body fights off the infection on its own.

Make sure it’s not COVID-19

This FDA-cleared COVID-19 self-test is available on AmazonPhoto by Mufid Majnun via Unsplash

Finally, if you have cold-like symptoms, getting a COVID-19 test is very important as you should take extra precautions to avoid exposing others. Monitor your symptoms and keep an eye on a fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. When in doubt, get tested at the nearest health center to avoid exposing others and developing complications from the disease.

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