How to tell if you are sensitive to caffeine

Caffeine is everywhere, from coffee to soda. So many of us need it to function and feel productive and awake in the morning. But there are many people who experience very severe reactions when consuming caffeine, which can lead to restlessness, difficulty sleeping, headaches and much more.

Caffeine sensitivity is usually fairly easy to notice, but sometimes the symptoms aren’t entirely clear. When experienced, it can be unpleasant to a tolerable degree or simply feel terrible. If the latter is the case, coffee may not be the right drink for you.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash

To know whether or not you’re experiencing caffeine sensitivity, Healthline recommends keeping a food and drink log so you can see how much caffeine you’re consuming and whether or not it causes any side effects. To help you know what caffeine sensitivity looks like, here are some of the most common symptoms experienced by people who are sensitive to caffeine:

Your face gets hot

You should wait this long before drinking your morning coffeePhoto by Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash

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Many people with caffeine sensitivity experience a hot or flushed face immediately after consuming a good dose of caffeine. This experience can leave sufferers feeling flushed and even sweaty.

You have to go to the toilet often

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Caffeine affects the gastrointestinal tract and can therefore lead to many unwelcome trips to the toilet. It is not known how or why this happens, whether it is a change in hormones or certain elements contained in coffee. All people know is that this is surprisingly common. Another symptom is the urge to pee more often; Because caffeine is a natural diuretic, people with coffee sensitivity need to go to the bathroom for a variety of reasons.

You can not sleep

3 tricks that can help you understand your sleepPhoto by Mert Kahveci via Unsplash

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Some people need to reduce their coffee consumption earlier in the day as it affects their sleep patterns. A sip of coffee can make you feel jittery and jittery for hours after consuming it. This symptom is annoying, but manageable if you stop drinking coffee early and drink the last sip of coffee by 4 p.m. at the latest

You feel uncomfortable or anxious

Too little sleep can increase the risk of dementia in this groupPhoto by Bruno Aguirre via Unsplash

Some of us feel more anxious after drinking coffee, which may go unnoticed since it’s usually still early and we’re dealing with a variety of stressors like getting to work on time and making the commute. There’s a reason for this: caffeine increases stress hormones. Like stress itself, caffeine leads to increased heart rate and blood pressure.

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