How to make friends as an adult

There comes a time when you realize you don’t know how to make new friends. While this may seem a bit of an exaggeration, once you are in your early 20s and there isn’t a college or new job to immerse yourself in, there are also fewer opportunities to make new friends. Add to this the fear of the pandemic and it may be even more difficult to make new friends.

But as with all things, you can do better with practice. According to experts, the most important thing when making new friends is intent. This means that you have to really react to these feelings, push yourself out of your comfort zone, meet new people and reach them with friendship in mind.

Look at your friends from friends

Photo by Nqobile Vundla via Unsplash

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Friends of friends are great options for making new friends, especially considering that you already have that connection in common, which makes conversations and shared experiences easier. Contact them on social media or text and schedule a coffee date. If that sounds like too much, take the time to approach them personally the next time you see them at a party or event. These people can be your friends quickly as you are likely to see them a certain frequency

Use apps

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Photo by Christina Morillo via Pexels

There are many friendship-focused apps out there, such as Meet Up, which will connect you with groups and people who like the same things as you. Do your research and find an app you like and use to meet others .

Take a training class

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Photo by Victor Freitas via Unsplash

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Training classes are a great way to get to know people as they create an immediate sense of community and shared experience. Pay attention to the people around you and take the time to talk to them and maybe plan your next training session together.

Get out of your comfort zone

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Photo by monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

Get out of your comfort zone, whether it’s reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to in years, or just visiting a bar and doing your best to speak to other people. While we are all very concerned about making friends and encountering situations like this, we all know deep down that the only way to make a new connection is to show up and try.

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