How to get a medical marijuana card in your state
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been republished with permission.
The use of cannabis as an alternative medicine has increased over time as laws to legalize it have come into force. It was designed primarily to address the needs of patients whose treatments have not responded effectively to regularly prescribed medications.
So if you get a medical marijuana card, you can legally buy cannabis products that can help treat your disease symptoms. While the process of obtaining a medical marijuana card can vary from state to state, there is a general process you can follow when applying. With that said, here’s how you can get a medical marijuana ID card in your state.
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Check if you have a qualifying condition
One of the first necessary steps to acquiring a medical marijuana card is to determine if you qualify for one. In any case, each state has different laws and criteria under which conditions a card can be issued. However, the general qualifier is a chronic illness that affects the way you live.
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This means that you are unable to continue with your daily life due to symptoms of illness affecting your physical, emotional and mental well-being. Some of these qualifying conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Cancer
- chronic pain
- multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Epilepsy, migraines and seizures
- HIV and AIDS
- autism
- fear
Depending on the federal state, there are a total of around 17 recognized requirements. Checking the list in your state before applying for a card can save you time in case you may not be eligible. This is because the whole process takes time, effort and money and does not guarantee that you will end up with a card. This information can be found on the website of your state health department.
Contact your doctor
Once you’ve determined that you have a qualifying medical condition, the next step is to consult your GP. The purpose of this step is to inform them of your interest in medical marijuana and to get an expert opinion on whether your condition is treatable with marijuana at all. Because your doctor has your medical records and medical history, they can advise you on whether you should apply for a card.
RELATED: Evaluating Each State’s Medical Marijuana Program — How Well Did Your State Do?
Additionally, you may be required to undergo additional testing to determine if you are a viable candidate for your state’s medical marijuana program in the future. This is usually the case if you have recently experienced a worsening of your disease symptoms and standard treatments have not worked for you. Your doctor can also assess whether the medical marijuana is likely to react with other medicines you are taking.
Make an appointment with a doctor licensed to certify cards
In most cases, GPs are not authorized to conduct medical marijuana card certifications. Therefore, you need to find a specialist in your state who is licensed to do this. Most of these doctors are cannabis medicine experts and registered affiliates of your state’s medical marijuana program.
You can find the contact details on your state’s health website. Alternatively, if you prefer to be discreet, you can search the database of a licensed medical cannabis company in your state, e.g. B. a medical marijuana doctor in Virginia.
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The purpose of the appointment is for the certifying physician to review and interpret the severity of your qualifying condition and assess whether you may benefit from medicinal cannabis. You must also confirm that no other treatment options are suitable for you.
You will be expected to ask for proof of your condition, such as B. Medical records, MRI scans and X-rays. That is why the previous step with your family doctor is necessary. Once approved by the certifying physician, they will explain the medical marijuana program to you and advise you on which cannabis medications may work for you. All the information they give is general advice as no doctor can prescribe cannabis products for you.
Enroll in your state’s medical marijuana program
The final step in getting your medical marijuana card is to enroll as a medical marijuana patient. Your certifying physician would email you a recommendation in the meantime. You will need this as proof of approval to complete the registration. This step can become quite a lengthy administrative process, depending on how much information your state requires of you.
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If you don’t want to bother with the process, some companies can complete the signup process for a fee. Otherwise, you can visit your state health department’s website and fill in your information on the application form. On the website you will find instructions on how to proceed and what they need from you.
There is a fee to issue the card, which can range from $20 to $200. After you have registered and submitted your application, it can take up to 30 days for your health department to review and approve it.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Obtaining your medical marijuana card
Finally, after your application is accepted, you will receive a medical marijuana ID card that will be mailed to your home address in a few weeks. It officially confirms your status as a medical marijuana patient.
The card is valid for one year and must be renewed annually for the same cost paid when applying. Once you get the card, you can legally buy medical marijuana products from approved licensed dispensaries in your area.
In some cases, you may even be allowed to grow your own medicinal cannabis at home if deemed necessary by your certifying physician. So make sure you always have your unexpired card with you to show to law enforcement if the situation calls for it.
In order to obtain a medical marijuana card in your state, you must complete several steps, beginning with finding out if you qualify for a card. You must then check the list of conditions for your state and see your doctor.
After that, you will need to see a certifying doctor so they can write a recommendation, which you must provide when completing the card application. Once done, you have to wait for it to be sent to you in the mail. And after you get it, you can use it to get the medical cannabis products you need to relieve your condition.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been republished with permission.
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