How to clean your percolator bong properly

Do you want to keep your bong in top condition so you have the best experience every time?

Don't worry, we have a detailed cleaning guide here that will show you how to use common household materials to keep your hookah running efficiently and give you the best possible smoking experience.

Here you will find a comprehensive guide to cleaning hookahs with common household materials

How to clean percolator bongs?

Maintaining your percolator bong is not just a household task; it is an important ritual for a calm and effortless smoking experience.

Think of it like giving your bong a relaxing spa treatment, leaving it humming gently like a finely tuned engine.

So let’s embark on this magical cleaning mission with a guide that will transform your bong into a flawless, shiny piece:

Materials required

Isopropyl alcohol (91% or higher)

Indispensable for dissolving resin.

Coarse salt or rice

Acts as an abrasive to scrub the glass.

Pipe cleaners

Useful for reaching tight spaces.

cotton swab

R – For detailed cleaning of small areas.

Resealable plastic bag or container

For soaking smaller parts.

Step-by-step cleaning process

1. Disassemble the bong

Start by carefully disassembling your bong. Remove all removable parts such as the bowl, downstem and percolator.

This makes cleaning the individual parts easier and more effective.

2. Prepare the main chamber

Partially fill the main chamber of the bong with isopropyl alcohol. Add a few tablespoons of coarse salt or rice.

The salt or rice acts as an abrasive and helps remove stubborn resin from glass surfaces.

3. Shake vigorously

Close the openings of the bong with your hands or fingers. Shake the bong vigorously so that the alcohol-salt mixture can scrub away the residue inside.

Make sure the solution reaches all corners by shaking in different directions.

4. Soak for better cleaning

Allow the alcohol-salt mixture to sit in the bong for 30 minutes to an hour. Shake the bong regularly to loosen the resin.

During this time, the alcohol continues to dissolve the resin deposits.

5. Scrub hard-to-reach areas

Use pipe cleaners and cotton swabs dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean the inside of the bong's hard-to-reach areas.

This also includes complicated parts such as the coffee machine, which can be particularly difficult to clean.

6. Clean the percolator separately

Place the coffee maker in a resealable plastic bag or container with isopropyl alcohol.

Shake the bag or container to agitate the coffee maker and loosen any residue. For stubborn stains, use pipe cleaners if necessary.

7. Rinse thoroughly

After cleaning, rinse all parts of the bong thoroughly with hot water.

Make sure all residue is rinsed away and the bong water bubbles clean.

This step is crucial to remove any remaining alcohol and salt.

8. Dry completely before assembly

Allow all parts to dry completely before reassembling your bong.

This will prevent any residual moisture from affecting the performance of your bong.

How to polish a percolator bong?

If you're aiming for a pristine and polished appearance for your percolator bong, adding a polishing step to your cleaning routine can make a significant difference.

Here is a detailed guide on how to polish your bong:

1. Choose the right cleaner

After cleaning your bong with isopropyl alcohol and salt, choose a glass cleaner specifically designed for glass bongs or a mild, non-abrasive cleaner that will not scratch or damage the surface of your glass.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives that may dull or etch the glass.

2. Prepare your tools

Use a clean microfiber cloth or a soft, lint-free cloth that won't leave fibers on the glass.

Microfiber is ideal because it is gentle on the glass and can effectively remove smudges and fingerprints.

3. Apply cleaner

Spray or apply the glass cleaner to the cloth rather than directly to the bong.

This prevents the cleaner from running into the inside of the bong and causing possible contamination.

4. Polish the exterior

Rub the cloth gently and with even pressure over the outside of the bong.

Start at the bottom and work your way up, following the contours of the glass, making sure to reach all areas, including the neck and base.

5. Polish with circular movements

Polish the glass using circular motions. This method will help distribute the cleaner evenly and remove any streaks or stains that may be present.

6. Clean the percolator and other components

Don't forget to polish the coffee maker and all other removable parts. These components can also be restored to their shine with a thorough polish.

7. Dry the bong

After polishing, use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to remove any cleaner residue and give the bong a final polish. This step ensures that the glass dries without streaks or residue.

8. Check your work

Hold the bong up to a light source to check your work. The glass should be clear and shiny, with a mirror-like surface.

If there are still spots or streaks, repeat the polishing process until the desired shine is achieved.

9. Maintain regularly

To keep your bong looking good, make polishing a regular part of your cleaning routine.

Regular maintenance not only improves the appearance of your bong, but also helps prevent the buildup of residue and dirt.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your percolator bong not only works well, but also looks impressive and shows off the craftsmanship and beauty of the glass.

Safety tips

Work in a well-ventilated area: Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and can produce strong fumes.

Make sure you clean in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling these fumes.

Handling caution: Be careful when handling glass parts, especially when they are wet and slippery.

Benefits of regular cleaning

Regularly cleaning your percolator bong will not only ensure that it looks clean and clear, but will also maintain its functionality.

A clean bong provides better taste and a smoother smoking experience, free from the harsh flavors of resin deposits.


By following these easy-to-follow instructions, your percolator bong will stay in top shape and ready to give you its best every time.

Whether you're relaxing after a long day or celebrating a special moment, this quick maintenance routine will ensure you have the smoothest, most enjoyable experience with your bong.

So, have fun cleaning and enjoy your well-maintained percolator bong!

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