How to Build an Efficient Indoor Cannabis Grow Plant

As the value of the marijuana industry increases, so does the demand for high quality cannabis products. Cannabis growers have recognized the enormous potential of the market and are redesigning their facilities not only to produce better products, but to do so more efficiently.

The keyword here is “efficiency”, because the increased demand is not only for cannabis products, but for QUALITY products that match the competition. So if you are interested in building indoor growing facilities, your focus must be on creating an efficient operating base.

Yes, building an efficient indoor growing facility costs a lot of money, especially the recurring utility bills. Regardless of the size of your grow facility, however, you can have lower bills as you work on saving energy.

Experienced cannabis growers advise you to consider an energy efficient grow room when setting up, and these five factors should be your priority:

Prioritize the details from the start

If this is your first time breeder, it is expected that your enthusiasm for this project may force you to make some hasty decisions. But before making such rash decisions, take a break, take the time to consider all of your proposed expenses, and be careful about product choices.

Don’t just focus on making profits (if you’re commercializing your indoor grow facility). If your focus is solely on profit generation, you may not be able to pay attention to the entire set up process that you need to implement to create the best investment.

So if you stop and think critically at the beginning, you will save a lot of time and money in the long run. For example, decisions like adding insulation or updating your current inventory (if any), critical strategies to reduce your energy bills, and so on.

It should be noted that it is okay to delegate some responsibilities at this stage, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about the delegated roles. Building an efficient indoor grow facility means being efficient from the decision-making process to the final execution. If you think through and plan everything from the system to the selection of energy and equipment, the efficiency of your indoor grow space will be increased.

Place your location

Sometimes growers overestimate the space they need to grow, and this is a crucial area where efficiency can be improved. You need to plan all aspects of your space before planting. Take into account the space you will need for your plants based on the amount of marijuana you plan to grow.

Recommended space is four large indoor crops in each square meter and nine medium-sized crops per square meter. The vegetative space should be a third of your total planting area.

Also consider walking space, space to water and prune the plants, and where to store your gardening tools unless you have external storage.

Consider lighting options

It is always a challenge to choose between several lighting technologies available today. Most growers, however, prefer LEDs, especially during the vegetative phase of the plant, as it does not require intense lighting, so using LED lamps can save you money during this phase.

But things change in the flowering phase and LEDs will no longer be efficient so you will need HPS lights which may be more expensive. It should be noted that there are cheaper options; some of these alternatives include LECs and CMH. Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the individual lighting options before buying. If used correctly, the lighting system can increase the efficiency of your indoor grow facility immensely.

Water and moisture

In some American states, water is affordable and drought is not a major problem. However, for energy reasons, it is always better to test and maintain a watering schedule. Avoid overwatering (even with ample access to water) as this is the quickest route to sewer.

Also understand the amount of water your plants need indoors and if you can, it is better to automate the watering process in your grow room. Think about where the water goes after it leaves the marijuana plant, as all fertilizer drains must be properly disposed of.

Don’t leave indoor humidity to chance; Any out of control moisture system encourages odors, pests, mold, and mildew to ravage your plants. Dehumidifiers are the best choice, especially those that are specifically designed for grow rooms.

While these dehumidifiers use a lot of energy, you may need to buy energy efficient ones and make sure they will fit in the grow facility. An understanding of humidity and temperature is critical to setting up an efficient indoor weed growing facility.

Grow your weed your way

As technology advances, cost challenges and competition within producers will permanently increase the demand for energy-efficient systems. Farmers also want energy-efficient products because they are cheaper in the long term.

Most cannabis brands always rely on energy efficiency to stay one step ahead of the competition, and this move also increases economic returns as products with the “energy efficiency” label are more appealing to consumers.

Nine in ten consumers want companies to act responsibly by being environmentally conscious rather than just focusing on profit. A great way to ensure efficiency is to build healthy relationships with your local gardening supply store.

Find out what consumers want and how you can tailor the operation of your facility to meet those expectations. It is your growing facility and it is your responsibility to do what works best for you.

Take into account energy efficiency, the budget allocation for operations, consumer needs, competition, environmental factors, and personal beliefs. After all the deliberations, you can strike a balance and do what works best for your facility.

Bottom line

The cannabis market is an ever evolving sector where consumers are always expecting higher product quality. For your part, as a grower, you want to meet consumer expectations while maintaining an efficient planting process on your farm.

The five points discussed in this article will enable you to set up an efficient indoor weed cultivation facility of any size (large or small). If you already have an add-on facility but find it to be inefficient, it is never too late to renovate your facility efficiently.







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