How to break the stigma of using cannabis to heal emotional pain

Recently on Reddit I saw a person from the CPTSD community ask the following question: I use cannabis to help me with emotional pain but nobody understands. Does anyone have a similar problem? Everyone tells me it makes everything worse. I feel like it helps most of the time, maybe not always.

Well, we are aware that cannabis has long been vilified as a harmful substance that could cause addiction and other negative effects. However, recent studies have shown that cannabis can be used successfully to treat emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression. New studies also show that psychedelics are helping thousands eliminate emotional pain and damage.

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Despite this, many people still consider cannabis use to be uncool, and there is a lot of stigma attached to using marijuana to treat emotional distress.

One of the main reasons for the stigma is the lack of education and understanding about the effects of cannabis on the brain. The possible negative effects of cannabis use have received more attention than its potential positive effects for many years. Because of this ignorance, cannabis use is viewed negatively, making it difficult for users to get the emotional support they need without feeling judged.

Cannabis use is also linked to criminal activity as cannabis is banned in many parts of the world. Because of this association, people may find it difficult to take care of their emotional pain due to fears of legal ramifications.

However, due to legalization in some states and nations, more research is being done on the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. Because cannabis affects the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is involved in controlling mood, anxiety, and other emotional responses, studies have shown that it can be a successful treatment for emotional pain. In addition, this has led to an equally large increase in acceptance among the population.

It’s important to realize that some people will always stigmatize you no matter what. They will be completely consumed by their ideas about cannabis, and until they have a reckless awakening – when they need cannabis to save their lives – they will continue to exist in their belief systems. There isn’t much you could do to change your mind and in this context, acceptance is the only way forward.

Cannabis Mental Health BrainPhoto by wildpixel/Getty Images

The sticky bottom line

As more studies are conducted into the medicinal use of the plant, the stigma associated with using cannabis to treat emotional distress is beginning to fade. While it’s important to be aware of all of the dangers associated with cannabis use, it’s also important to consider all of the potential benefits, especially for people experiencing emotional anguish.

In order for those who may benefit from cannabis to be able to seek help without fear of court, it is important that we educate ourselves and break down social taboos surrounding its use.

At the end of the day, if it works for you and people judge you for it, they can go to hell. You are the one living your life and if you let others dictate what is acceptable and what is not, you will always be a slave to their expectations.

This article originally appeared on and has been republished with permission.

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