How not to screw up your diet when the nibbles strike

Wanted or unwanted, the nibbles are a dependable side effect of marijuana use. While they can be fun and therapeutic, they can also derail an otherwise healthy diet. The nibbles make even the most average meals appetizing and special, and can lead to very intense cravings that can lead to late cooking or ordering.

Despite the deliciousness of the nibbles, it is possible to avoid them or curb their strength by preparing them in advance. Here’s how not to clutter your diet when the nibbles strike:

Buy your favorite healthy snacks

Photo by Irina Iriser via Unsplash

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While many people aren’t fans of healthy snacks, they are an efficient way to curb the nibbles, and there are actually plenty of good snacks out there. Try lots of different things, from flavored popcorn to nuts to pickled vegetables, which are surprisingly tasty during a Munchie feast.

Prepare snacks at home

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If you have some cooking skills, you can make some simple and delicious snacks at home, like homemade chips, egg-free cookie dough, or pudding. Check out more ideas here.

Eat Before You Smoke

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While this plan can backfire, resulting in double the amount of calories, you can try to have a filling meal before you smoke. This will keep your body from going crazy with the nibbles, but be sure to keep your brain busy with something else to minimize the chances of you eating double the serving.

Plan, plan, plan

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Before the nibble moment, you should clear your house of temptations and throw away anything that is high in calories that you perceive as weakness. Get healthy supplies or schedule cardio workouts before your scheduled smoking session. While this takes some foresight, it is the best way to make sure your diet stays on track and your nibbles are kept under control.

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