How not to get arrested for weed in a rule of law state
With marijuana being legal in some form in the majority of the United States, many are feeling a lot more relaxed — and it’s not just because of the weed. Cannabis users feel legally liberated in states where marijuana is legal; It’s a great feeling knowing you can enjoy something you love without fear of going to jail.
While this is partially true in states where weed is legal, it’s not the whole truth. In fact, there are several ways you can still get arrested where marijuana is legal.
Here are 10 rules to remember if you live in a marijuana-legal state that might just keep you out of handcuffs.
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Always buy from a registered pharmacy
There are many reasons why you should buy your weed directly from a pharmacy. There’s quality control, safety and you know exactly what you’re getting. Above all, it is the legal way. Remember, just because marijuana is legal in your state doesn’t mean you can buy it from an unlicensed dealer or from a stranger off the street. It’s still very illegal.
Never resell weed that you bought legally
It may feel like a simple favor, but selling the weed you legally bought to a friend is illegal, even if you don’t make a profit. While your friend may not betray you, remember that possession is legal, but selling and supplying marijuana can land you in jail.
Make sure you have your medical marijuana card
If you are licensed to use medical marijuana in the state you live in, you can legally obtain it and use it for medicinal purposes. If you have marijuana in your possession, make sure you have your medical marijuana identification card with you.
RELATED: Possible benefits of a medical marijuana card in an adult-use state
“If the police charge you with illegal drug possession, you can use this card as an ID card to show law enforcement your status,” reads an article by Law Info. However, if you do not have your card with you, the police may arrest you pending clarification.
Do not overplant your property with weeds
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It is legal to grow weed for recreational or medicinal purposes 20 states. Cultivation laws vary in each state. Some only allow you to grow for medicinal purposes. Each state has a limit on the number of plants.
RELATED: State-by-State Guide to Cannabis Age Requirements
Some states even have restrictions on how many plants can flower at one time. Be careful not to get a greedy green thumb. Plant the legal amount to give you and your plants peace of mind.
Don’t smoke weed where it’s not allowed
Some states allow smoking in public while others do not. However, possession and use of marijuana on federal property is always illegal. “Federal law applies to crimes committed on federal property, which includes the Capitol grounds and mall in DC, as well as all national parks and military property across the country,” it said NORMAL. That means you should think twice before venturing out on the National Mall or your Yosemite.
Don’t wear too much
If you’re at a dispensary, you might be able to buy unlimited amounts of marijuana, but that’s just not the case. Every state has laws about the amount of marijuana you can possess. These laws are no joke either. Being caught with large amounts of marijuana can sometimes lead to felony charges in most states.
Never buy for or participate with minors
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RELATED: Here’s what can happen if you give marijuana to a minor
It may feel like a no-brainer, but getting an underage person high or providing them with marijuana is always against the law. Remember the legal age is 21, not 18.
Don’t send it by post
Edibles might seem like a great addition to a care kit, but it’s an illegal act. Colorado’s official website says, “The United States Postal Service is operated by the federal government. Since marijuana isn’t legal at the federal level, you can’t mail it.”
Don’t take it across state lines
Individuals and even corporations are not allowed to bring marijuana across state lines. All marijuana that you buy legally in a state originates in that state — and must legally stay there.
RELATED: Cross state lines with marijuana, have your kid taken away
This is easy to assume when traveling to a state where weed is illegal. However, if you are moving from one constitutional state to another, you should still not cross the border with it. Remember that if you fly the “friendly” sky, that sky is federal sky, not state owned.
Don’t drive with weeds in the car
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It’s not always illegal to drive with weed in your car. When marijuana is unopened and in its packaging, it is often acceptable. Opened flower and other opened forms of marijuana in motor vehicles are often illegal. Many states have laws similar to “open container” laws for alcohol.
RELATED: Owned Weed? Here’s what not to do when you get pulled over
Even if you’re pulled over with visible marijuana in your car, it just doesn’t look good. Be smart and limit how often marijuana is in your vehicle when you drive.
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