How marijuana research has increased significantly — despite the federal ban
Many lawmakers who oppose marijuana legalization say they need to see more research and studies on the subject before they vote to legalize marijuana at the federal level. Extensive research and information is always important when voting on an important political issue. The problem, however, is that centuries of marijuana prohibition have made it harder for researchers to study weed than legal substances.
Even with marijuana becoming legal in more and more areas, research into the effects of cannabis is not without bureaucracy and difficulties. Still, there’s good news in the field of marijuana research. A recent study showed that after decades of limited scientific research on marijuana, there is a significant increase in research and data on the subject.
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RELATED: Researchers shocked at how few studies have been conducted on medical marijuana
That to learn, published by the Journal of Cannabis Research, shows that the number of published studies on cannabis has increased significantly over the last 20 years. The authors cite increased financing as the main reason for this sharp increase.
There are also implications for future research in the study. Regarding the advancement of cannabis research: “Future research should continue to examine changes in the publication characteristics of new research, as the volume of publications on this topic is expected to grow rapidly,” the study concluded.
There are several reasons why this increase has been possible over time. One reason is that even though marijuana is illegal, the federal government has given researchers more access to marijuana samples than ever before. As we did before reportedTo accommodate this research peak, the DEA increased the annual marijuana production quota by 575% (from 472 kilograms in 2017 to 3,200 kilograms in 2020).
In a statement on its website about its access to marijuana for research, the DEA said it was “an important step towards improving the possibilities for medical and scientific research”. While the DEA still places marijuana in the same category as heroin and cocaine (a Schedule I substance), at least increased cultivation will allow scientists to compile DEA-backed concrete data on the effects of THC. This increased research could even help remove marijuana from Category I in the not-too-distant future.
Another reason for the increase in published research has to do with funding. “Total funding for cannabis research in the United States is steadily increasing, from less than $30.2 million in 2000 to more than $143 million in 2018, and funding for research into medicinal cannabis treatments is growing,” it said Science.org. However, it’s important to note that funding for medical treatments isn’t growing as fast as research into the harms of cannabis.
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As we crawl out of the dark ages of marijuana research and knowledge, skeptics will have fewer reasons to resist. Conservatives, some medical professionals, and even the President of the United States have called for more conclusive data before agreeing to legalize marijuana. You may not have to wait much longer as the research is already underway.
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