How many leaves does a female cannabis plant have?
Finding the number of leaves on a cannabis plant is no easy feat. In fact, the biological sex of the cannabis plant can determine its attractiveness to growers and budding harvest workers.
Cannabis is a demanding subject. Up to simple questions: “How many leaves does a female cannabis plant have?”
Male versus female
The female plants are the only cannabis plants that produce buds used primarily for medicinal purposes. The question of the number of leaves per female cannabis plant can seem simple.
However, the number of sheets is variable. Likewise the gender differentiation of the plants. The stems of female cannabis plants are less robust and thinner. The males are thicker and more robust. The males have fewer leaves than the female plants.
Both have onions, but the females have translucent hair. These release pollen. There are hermaphrodite cannabis plants. But these are still treated as male. You can grow both sex organs on the plants.
Female cannabis plants are popular plants for consumers. Now on the subject at hand, what about the properties of the leaves?
Leaf finger
The number of leaves on the female cannabis plant will be different from that of the male cannabis plant. However, the first six weeks of a cannabis plant’s life, male or female, will be indistinguishable from one another.
In addition, the appearance depends on the type of cannabis plant when compared to, for example, sativa, indica or ruderalis. Also, don’t confuse the fingers on the leaves with counting the leaves.
Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis strains have different types of leaves. Sativa is elongated with nine pointed points. Indica is like a seven point fan. Ruderalis is shorter and more puffy than Sativa or Indica.
Number of female plant leaves
As soon as the possible confusion of the fingers per leaf or the gender differentiation female / male / hermaphrodite or nonexistent, you can count leaves. The number of leaves varies depending on the variety and gender. Typically, however, the number of fingers per sheet can be 5 or 7 up to 13 at the extreme end.
Presumably, a female sativa cannabis plant has, on average, more leaves and fingers per leaf than a male indica cannabis plant.
So calculating the leaves per plant – per female plant – is not easy. Because cannabis minutiae are a complex topic.
Photo by Esteban Lopez on Unsplash
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