How long does THC from the weed pen stay in the body?
People can use weed pens to vape cannabis oils and waxy concentrates. They usually contain strong amounts of THC, the chemical in cannabis that causes an intoxicating feeling.
Drug tests look for THC and its byproducts – called metabolites – that remain in your body long after you've consumed cannabis.
However, many users wonder how long the THC from these weed pens stays in their body.
In this post, we'll help you understand how long THC from weed stays in your body and how you can detoxify it in various ways.
What happens to your body after vaping marijuana?
When you vape marijuana through a weed pen, THC quickly moves from your lungs into your bloodstream.
Your blood carries THC to the brain and other organs, where it causes many reactions, including behavioral and emotional changes.
The effect of the THC vape pen consumed via e-cigarette usually begins just a few minutes after inhalation.
The high peaks around 20 to 30 minutes after inhalation, which is the most intense phase of the experience.
The effects can last for a duration of 2 to 3 hours and provide detection windows for altered cognition and relaxation. But THC can remain in your system even after the high wears off.
THC can be detected in the blood, brain, urine, saliva and fat after vaping.
How long does THC from the weed pen stay in the body?
THC is a highly fat-soluble compound and has a very long half-life – the time it takes to reduce the concentration of THC in the body by half.
The half-life was 1.3 days for people who rarely used marijuana. With more frequent use, the half-life was between 5 and 13 days.
Note that doubling the half-life of a substance does not provide an accurate estimate of when it will be completely eliminated from the body. It takes about 5-6 half-lives to completely filter out a drug.
How often you smoke, how much you smoke, your body weight, and the speed of your metabolism all play a role in how long it takes for your body to fully process and eliminate THC.
Because the concentration of THC in weed stalls is high, you can expect it to remain in your system longer than if you consume marijuana through other means.
Generally, 48 hours after vaping cannabis, most of the THC has been removed from the blood, brain, and saliva, but the concentration in fat increases.
Approximately 50-90% of THC and other cannabinoids are eliminated from your body in the first 4 to 5 days. 80% of this excretion occurs in the feces; only traces of it are found in the urine.
The THC content in the fat continues to increase and only slowly decreases after about 10 days.
Complete metabolization of THC generally takes 30 days, but trace amounts can persist for up to 90 days, particularly in hair follicles.
8 Main Factors That Affect How Long THC Remains in the Body
How long THC stays in your system depends on many factors, such as: Such as how much THC is in the oil or concentrates, how often you use it, how much you use, your metabolism, your body fat and more.
1. Dosage
The more THC you consume, the longer it takes for your body to break it down and eventually eliminate it from your system.
Marijuana flowers can contain up to 30% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), while oil and concentrates contain at least 60% THC, some even over 90% THC.
2. Frequency of Use
Basically, the THC isn't flushed out as quickly as you consume it, causing a buildup of toxins, leading to higher levels of toxicity.
The less often you use it, the faster it will leave your system. Heavy daily users take more time to delete than occasional users.
3. Mode of consumption
The type of consumption can also influence how long Delta 8 remains in the system. For example, inhaling THC, such as through vaping, can result in a faster onset of action, but also faster elimination from the body, compared to edible gummies or topical application.
4. Metabolism
Marijuana is eliminated from the body through normal bodily functions.
A person with a high metabolism tends to eliminate marijuana and its active metabolite, THC, much more quickly than a person with a slower metabolism.
If you have a high metabolism, your detection window is likely much shorter.
5. Body fat
THC metabolites are fat-soluble, meaning marijuana binds to the fat molecules in your body and is stored in your fat cells. The more fat you have, the longer it takes to get clean.
Overweight people with higher body fat concentrations metabolize marijuana more slowly than thinner people.
6. Human genetics
Genetics are one of the few identifying factors that you cannot change because they are inherent in your body.
Some bodies have more enzymes that metabolize drugs compared to others.
Longer detection times can be expected in people who lack this enzyme.
7. Body health
Medical conditions such as liver or kidney dysfunction can lead to prolonged THC retention in the body.
The impaired filtering capacity of these vital organs results in slower removal of THC and its metabolites.
8. Types of Drug Testing
The type of drug test used also plays a role. Cannabis metabolites typically have a shorter detection window in blood or saliva samples.
Urine and hair samples can show evidence of cannabis use several months after the crime. The longest reported detection times are more than 90 days.
The 4 common methods for detecting THC in the human body
A drug test tests for THC and its metabolites 11-OH-THC and 11-COOH-THC.
There are currently four ways to test for THC or its metabolites: urine, saliva, blood and hair tests.
1. Saliva test
The oral swab enables a quick, non-invasive drug test.
THC can be found in saliva shortly after consumption and can remain detectable for up to 24 hours, but certainly less than 48 hours.
2. Blood test
For users who use weed pens less than twice a week, this test can detect marijuana in your bloodstream after 3 to 7 days of use.
However, for habitual THC users, blood tests could detect THC even 30 days after consumption.
3. Urine test
This is the most commonly used test to detect marijuana in your body or system.
It can detect THC in human urine within 3 days for infrequent users and up to 14 days for regular users.
For chronic, long-term users, traces of THC remain in the urine 30 to 60 days after last consumption.
4. Hair test
THC can be detected in hair follicles for up to 90 days.
The hair test is most reliable for daily or almost daily users, but cannot detect light cannabis use.
How do you remove THC from your system?
Whether you're trying to pass a drug test or just want to speed up the detox process, there are many ways to rid your system of THC.
1. Exercise
THC is stored in fat cells. As you exercise, your body breaks down fat, releases stored THC molecules into your bloodstream, and accelerates the excretion of THC.
However, sticking too closely to a drug testing schedule can cause a temporary increase in THC levels in the blood and urine, leading to a high chance of failing the drug test.
2. Drink more water
If you're trying to get a negative result on your urine drug test, you should drink plenty of water to help your body reduce THC levels.
The more water your body has, the faster it can metabolize cannabinoids. This helps eliminate the THC and its metabolites in your urine.
3.Increase fiber intake
In addition to increasing urine production, you also need to stimulate bowel movements so that THC and its metabolites can leave the body along with your bodily waste.
Reduce fatty foods, which can negatively impact the detoxification process, and increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes.
After you use a weed pen, the THC in your system may test positive for about 30 days, depending on how frequently you use THC, the testing method, and other factors.
Determining the exact time is almost impossible. The more often you vape, the higher the strength, or the longer you vape, the longer it will take you to pass a urine test.
Ultimately, there is no way to guarantee a clean drug test when consuming cannabis, but unfortunately that is the risk we have accepted.
The best way to remove all traces of THC from your body is to stop consuming cannabis altogether. Exercising, drinking more water, and increasing your fiber intake can also help.
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