How long does marijuana stay in saliva

Sometimes you just need a little push to relax, but you don't want to go any further… How much should you take so that a little relaxation relieves the tension?

Fridays are the second most popular day of the week after Saturdays. Mondays are the worst because that's when you get back to focusing on the 5-day routine. But sometimes it's hard to leave the pressure or work mentality behind. Instead of getting drunk on alcohol or getting really stoned… what can you take to just unwind and relax your muscles? What's the dosage for a light marijuana chill that will let you do whatever you want in a weekend?

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Marijuana is available to over 50% of the population and over 85% of the country believes it should be legal in some form. It is gaining traction as a healthier alternative to alcohol, reducing beer sales. One reason for this is that you can better control the time and strength of the high. It gives you more options for how to use your time.

Photo by Paul Biris/Getty Images

Like a glass of wine, marijuana in moderation can help lift your mood a little. Another benefit of a small dose is that your brain becomes more receptive. When you're high, the brain slows down the memory search function, allowing you to experience food, music, comedy, and more… which increases the intensity of the experience.

To lessen the effects, start with 2.5-5mg and judge if that has the desired effect. Vapes and gummies are great ways to control dosage and maintain a certain level. With vaping, you simply take a hit to stay in the same place and when the effects wear off, you can make a decision. With gummies, you have to judge the timing as they are absorbed differently in the body and can take 30-60 minutes to take effect.

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If you choose a sativa or a hybrid strain with a little more sativa, you're more likely to experience a cerebral high that will help you reduce anxiety and increase your alertness and focus. An indica strain will produce a full-body high that will provide more complete relaxation and can also help you sleep. It's never a good idea to mix alcohol with marijuana, it can lead to some unpleasant situations.

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