How Long Does a Weed High Last? The Ultimate Guide
Cannabis affects everyone differently, but a typical “high” includes feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and creativity. It can also cause side effects such as increased heart rate and dry mouth.
How long does a cannabis high last? This is a question that many new or inexperienced cannabis users ask and is the subject of much debate.
The duration of a cannabis high is not just a matter of curiosity, but also crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience.
In this article, you'll learn about the science behind the weed high, the factors that determine its duration, and how to extend or shorten it.
How does cannabis get you high?
Cannabis plants produce at least 140 different cannabinoids. However, one cannabinoid is primarily responsible for many of the high effects: tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.
When a person smokes or inhales cannabis, THC “enters your lungs and is absorbed… into your blood.”
Edible cannabis first goes to the stomach and then to the liver before entering the bloodstream and brain. The liver converts THC into a more potent form.
THC is transported in the blood to the brain, where it stimulates special receptors in the endocannabinoid system.
This system is a large collection of receptors, lipids, and enzymes that affect how the body responds to THC. By binding to the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, THC effectively triggers a “high” episode.
How long does the weed high last?
Every person is different and the duration of a weed high depends on many different factors.
The main factor that determines how long your high lasts is the method of consumption.
1. Smoking or vaporizing cannabis
After the first hit, it takes about 3-7 minutes for you to feel a high.
The effects peak about 10 to 30 minutes after smoking or vaping weed and usually last for 1 to 3 hours.
However, if you use a strain or cannabis oil with high THC content, the high can last up to 8 hours.
2. Dabbing concentrates
The effects of dabbing concentrates start almost immediately, within seconds, with a peak occurring 15-60 minutes after ingestion and the duration of effects being 1-3 hours.
However, when you first start dabbing, the effects can last up to 8-10 hours.
Learn more about the lasting high from vaping weed: How Long Does the High from a Weed Vape Pen Last?
3. Eat edible food
When consuming cannabis edibles, the effects take a much slower time to kick in. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour or more for the effects to become noticeable.
The high from edibles usually peaks about 2 hours after consuming weed this way and can last up to 10 hours depending on the amount of THC used to make the edible.
More details on “How long does something edible last?”
4. Taking tinctures or oils
The duration of the effects of cannabis oils and tinctures can depend on the exact method of use.
When you place tinctures or oils under the tongue, the effects usually occur within 15-30 minutes and can last for 2-3 hours.
However, if you swallow most tinctures rather than taking them sublingually, you can expect longer-lasting effects because they are processed slowly by your stomach like edibles.
What factors influence how long a weed high lasts?
Several factors determine how long the high you get from weed lasts. These factors include:
1. Dose
The amount of cannabis consumed is directly proportional to the duration of its effects.
Higher doses generally result in longer lasting highs.
2. Method of consumption
The type of cannabis consumption determines the onset and duration of the effects.
When smoked or vaporized, the effects occur quickly, usually within minutes, as THC quickly enters the bloodstream via the lungs.
When dabbing, i.e. vaporizing cannabis concentrates, the effect is quick and strong. It is usually stronger and lasts longer than when smoking flowers.
When consuming edibles in which THC is absorbed through the digestive system, the effects are delayed.
3. Metabolism
Your metabolism plays an important role in how quickly you process and excrete THC.
If your metabolism is faster, you may process THC faster, resulting in a shorter high. If your metabolism is slower, the effects are likely to last longer.
4. Tolerance
With frequent cannabis use, the body may become insensitive to the effects over time as it develops a tolerance.
If you smoke weed daily, you may feel the need to consume more of it to achieve the same high you felt during your first session.
5. Different varieties
In addition to THC, cannabis contains numerous other compounds such as CBD, terpenes and flavonoids, each of which contributes to the overall effects of the plant – a phenomenon known as the entourage effect.
Different strains have different compositions of these compounds, which can affect the duration and type of high.
6. Endocannabinoid system
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids, including two primary cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2.
The two cannabinoid receptors interact with THC to produce psychoactive effects.
Each person has a different number of cannabinoid receptors, which depends on both our genetics and the frequency of use.
Therefore, the effects of marijuana can vary from person to person, even with the same method and dosage.
7. Food and alcohol
External factors such as food and alcohol consumption can significantly affect the duration and intensity of a cannabis high.
Consuming cannabis on an empty stomach may result in a faster onset of effects, but the duration of effects may also be shorter because the body processes the cannabinoids more quickly.
Conversely, taking cannabis during a meal, especially one high in fat, can delay the onset of effects and prolong the experience.
When combined with cannabis, alcohol can enhance the effects and affect both the duration of the high and the user's overall experience.
How to stay high longer?
Choose something edible: If you want to extend the duration of your high, opt for edibles as they have a longer lasting effect.
Increase your dose: Try to take more cannabis before your high wears off, but this may not be the best strategy.
Experiment with sexual enhancers: If you want a longer lasting high, you should use more potent products such as concentrates or certain strains such as indica strains.
Six side effects of too much high
If you consume too much THC and get too high, you will find that the unpleasant feelings far outweigh the typical mood and emotions that cannabis produces.
The negative side effects of being high include:
1. Fear, panic and paranoia
2. Impaired judgment and coordination
3. Fear and mistrust
4. Hallucinations where you see, hear or feel things that are not really there
5. Delusions where you think things that are not true
6. Feeling like you're going crazy or not recognizing yourself.
How to relieve a weed high and sober up?
Depending on your situation, you may want to sober up quickly and get off your cannabis high. If this is the case, there are a few things you can do.
1. Sleep
Sleep is a wonderful way to restore our energy levels and mental state.
This gives your body a chance to process the weed, so you'll feel better as soon as you wake up.
2. Drink water
Staying hydrated speeds up your body's natural detoxification process, meaning some cannabis compounds can leave your body faster. Water can also reduce unpleasant side effects like dry mouth.
Alternatively, you can take a shower or a cold bath to feel more awake and refreshed.
3. Smell or chew black pepper
Another popular food is black pepper because of the caryophyllene compound, which is a powerful CB2 antagonist.
CB2 is a receptor in our endocannabinoid system. Caryophyllene enhances the calming effects of THC, helping you feel more relaxed and at ease.
4. Take some CBD
CBD interacts with different receptors in your brain than THC. This helps counteract the THC high, calming you down and making you feel less high.
More details on comparing THC and CBD.
5. Eat
Eating can reduce the intensity of a cannabis high. This is especially true if you are on an empty stomach.
The incorporation of food into our digestive system can reduce the severity of the high and lead to a faster recovery.
How long does cannabis stay in your body?
Just because your high wears off doesn't mean the cannabinoids have completely left your body.
In fact, THC metabolites can be detected in urine weeks after you last used cannabis, especially if you are a heavy user.
If you only use cannabis occasionally, you can usually expect the cannabis to be out of your body within 30 days.
The effects of cannabis can last between 3 and 12 hours, depending largely on the method of consumption, the THC dose and your body's individual response.
In addition, cannabis affects everyone differently, making it difficult to predict exactly how long you will feel the effects.
Starting with a low dose and a less potent strain can help prevent too much of a high, while opting for edibles and a high dose can help delay the high a little.
In most cases, all symptoms disappear once the intoxication wears off.
However, if you are experiencing chest pain, difficulty breathing, extreme anxiety, psychosis, or are in physical danger, you should call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
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