How do you cure already evaporated buds (AVB) with water?
Vaping is widely accepted as a healthy way of consuming cannabis. What’s better in this situation is that when you vape, as opposed to smoking, which burns all materials, there are extras left over; After vaporizing, a certain amount of cannabinoid compound remains. However, this amount will vary depending on the temperature that is being vaporized.
This helps especially if you live in a state where cannabis is sold at exorbitant prices per ounce. You can buy the same amount, vape it over low heat, and still keep some leftovers with a certain amount of THC that can be reused.
If you smoke at a temperature below 440 degrees Fahrenheit, you surely have some green left.
According to studies, the greener a bud that has already vaporized, the more potent it is.
I understand it is not possible to get enough AVB in one round of vaping, which is why storage is important.
Experts recommend using moisture packs to store the cannabis buds and prevent the buds from losing their potent cannabinoids. That way you can add to the stack until the amount is large enough to use.
There are various ways in which these GTS can be used. However, this article focuses more on how the water hardening process can improve its quality.
What is water hardening?
Water hardening is a process in which your AVB is immersed in water for a period of time. It’s a curing technique that involves adding a dry ingredient – coffee, tea, or grass, for example – to a lot of water until the flavor is extracted into the water.
An example of the water treatment we all practice is making a cup of tea with a tea bag. The more you put the tea bag in a hot cup of water, the less it tastes. It can be observed that the first time a tea bag is stored in hot water, the water absorbs the taste of the tea. This is how AVB water hardening works more or less.
Purpose of water hardening
A special quality of already vaporized buds is their taste and aroma.
The water hardening will help get rid of the pungent smell and taste of the vaporized flowers. When the buds are used as they are without water hardening, their taste tends to overwhelm whatever they’re used for.
In addition, it will remove most of the unwanted substances that may have mixed with the buds during the vaporizing process.
The purpose of water hardening is to improve the taste of the AVB and to purify it so that it can be reused. All of this happens without reducing the potency of the buds.
This is how water hardening works
Water hardening takes advantage of the science that cannabinoids are insoluble in water. The other contaminants are water soluble, so they are washed off and cleaned.
How to Cure Your AVB AV
There are so many ways to do this. All processes are easy to understand and in no way energy intensive. It just takes time. Yes! You have to be patient for the best results.
Things you need
Big baking own
Big pot
French press (optional)
Bud already vaporized
The already baked bud must weigh at least 30-100 grams.
Experience has shown that 150 grams of AVB can produce up to two sticks of cannabutter. However, it depends on what you plan to use the water-hardened buds for.
In addition, the size of the cheesecloth depends on the number of buds consumed. If your cheesecloth is small, you can work in batches, but this will take time.
Step 1: soaking in water
With a cheesecloth
Divide and wrap your AVB in cheesecloths
Tie the first strip together
If you’re only using a cheesecloth, double-wrap the towel by twisting it around the AVB ball.
Tie the new foil.
Prepare your large pot or crockpot.
Add water (at room temperature) to your pot
Put your cheesecloth AVB balls in the crockpot.
Make sure that all wrapped AVB are completely covered by the water.
Put the lid on the crockpot
Wait a couple of hours.
Strain the now dirty water.
Rinse out the AVB balls
Fill the crockpot with fresh water at room temperature
Put the AVB balls back in the crockpot, making sure it’s fully submerged
Replace the lid.
Wait a few hours and then drain the water again
Repeat these steps as long as possible. Can last a day, three days, or a week.
Remember that the more you repeat these steps, the cleaner the GIC will be. If you keep changing the water, you will find that the water becomes clearer and less uncomfortable.
With a french press
After a while you will have to change the water, because frequent water changes will ensure that the impurities are quickly removed.
This can take 1-7 days. However, you only need to change the water frequently on the first day.
Step 2: drying
Preheat your oven
Open the AVB balls and place the wet AVB in your baked goods
If the ball is firm, break it open and spread it out to dry evenly
Put the baking pan in the oven
Dry the AVB at a temperature of 150-170 F.
Waiting. This will take a long time, especially if you are preparing a lot of AVB files.
I have to point out that you need to be prepared for the smell that comes out. You can spray some scents or light some scented candles to reduce the odor in your home.
Step 3: freeze
You are done!
That is the end product. You can now use your water-hardened AVB to prepare your cannabutter, cannabis honey, edibles, cereal, and any other goodies you can think of.
Have fun and remember, your first attempt doesn’t have to be perfect.
Practice creates masters!
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