How do I talk to my parents about weed? (The step-by-step guide)

The times have changed.

Unlike in the past, when teenagers had to hide their smoking history from society because it was viewed as an evil of society, they can now deal with it more openly. Cannabis users are no longer ostracized by society in large numbers.

With the laws and regulations in place for the medical and recreational use of cannabis, now may be the right time to talk to your parents about the wide world of cannabis. Before you decide to speak to them, be aware that your parents may not entirely agree with what you are telling them. Because of this, you need to be fully prepared to answer their questions as you try to swap their staunch positions on cannabis use.

Family members must be open to one another. The parents with the children and vice versa. With research and the right approach, it should be easy to educate your parents about the best parts of cannabis use. If you have an underlying health condition there is no need to postpone this conversation with your parents, you can show them that cannabis use is a safe and therapeutic activity.

A Guide to Telling Your Parents About Marijuana

This guide is divided into three sections.

  1. Before the interview

  2. The conversation

  3. After the conversation

Before the interview

There’s no right way to talk about weed to your parents, so there are a few things you need to be sure of as you prepare for the discussion. If you miss the next steps and discuss them directly with your parents, you could end up in a bad position.

self reflection

Have you ever wondered why exactly you use weed? Do you consider the benefits you will get from using it, is it worth it? You need to be honest with yourself as you ponder these very important questions.

Grab a pen and paper to record your points. If all you end up with are recreational benefits, that may not be enough to convince your parents when they ask for your truthful opinion. If you can write down the values ​​cannabis brings to your life, you can point them out to your family.

Your parents’ approval

Not all households have parents who accept cannabis use. Determining whether your parents accept or disapprove of cannabis use will show you which angle to take as you prepare for this conversation. You have to think back to discussions your parents had about cannabis or the like in order to gauge your parents’ views on cannabis.


It will be very bad of you to speak to your people without having the necessary information. You may be waging a war of words and researching information is the only way to arm yourself. In just a few minutes, you can google searches and make any changes you need. Arm yourself with facts, only facts!

Cannabis legislation

Is marijuana use legal in your state and country of residence? If so, you may experience less stress trying to convert your parents. If not, you’ll need to polish up your reasoning with legal weed laws in neighboring states.

Discussion time

Decide on the time when this discussion is most appropriate. Make sure your parents are not stressed out or busy with other important tasks when you decide to talk to them. Prepare an appropriate agenda for discussion ahead of time so that the dialogue goes smoothly.

The conversation

It is finally time to sit down and have a meaningful dialogue with your parents. You are mentally prepared and have worked on a good tactic to follow through in this “fight”.

Mom, dad, I use cannabis

You have to get straight to the point. No fooling around wasting everyone’s time. Just be concise about your points. You don’t have to put it that way, just gently tell your parents that you made them aware that you were using cannabis.

One thing is for sure, if you’ve used it around the house you already know.

Positives first

Now that they know you are using cannabis, let your parents know about any positive effects of cannabis use. You could show them positive stories online about other people who use weed for medicinal purposes. Prove their claims by addressing clinical research that has declined over time. Put in all of your research and try not to miss yourself.

Question time

Now that you’ve given your assignment, you can sit back and let them throw you with their questions.

Imagine you’re back in college with a presentation. Let your parents take on the role of your professors and take their questions like a pro. But then again, try not to be too formal, they are your parents after all.

This would also be the right time to ask about their cannabis use experience. Ask why they started and what made them stop.


Let your people know that your marijuana use is not going to affect your performance in any way. Wouldn’t you also cause them problems by misusing the products?

After the conversation

Now the ball is no longer in your field of play. You can only hope that your parents are on board with your decision to use weed. It is absolutely impossible to control how your parents took up the discussion. Just hope for the best.

Further talks

Do not delete the opportunity to have further discussions on this topic. After the interview, your parents can either agree, disagree, or ask for more time to discuss and process the information you submitted.

You need to be fully prepared to have further discussion on this topic.

Respect is paramount

Whatever final decision your people make must be respected. They are your parents, and they would have good reasons to decide the next course of action for you. Her decision to respect her decision can cause her to change her mind if she initially disapproves of your stance.

Bring away

In everything you do, make sure that your parents’ peace of mind is not disturbed. Don’t stop using weed responsibly!







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