How CBD Helps With Anxiety And Panic Attacks

You may have heard, “CBD Relieves Anxiety”. With the effects of Covid-19 and beyond, the stress is increasing at an alarming rate. Stress affects our mental state and leads to other health problems such as anxiety and depression. The use of CBD is on the rise, but many still don’t know how CBD can help with anxiety and depression.

When we are anxious or depressed, it puts a strain on our mind and body. Some people separate from the world, some suffer from irritability, lack of sleep, poor concentration or difficulty breathing.

The main treatments for anxiety are prescription drugs, and for some, these drugs come with a whole host of side effects. This is where CBD comes in. Recently studies have suggested CBD can improve anxiety without side effects. The mechanism of action is not clear, but it is claimed that CBD helps with anxiety through serotonin activity, like many prescription antidepressants work.

Photo by: Alesia Kozik

How does CBD help with anxiety?

In the past few years since Canada legalized cannabis in 2018, we’ve started researching early mental health studies with surprising results. Many thought they would never touch cannabis, with its reputation as an illegal drug, until they discovered its health benefits.

CBD (cannabinoids) is the second most powerful active ingredient in cannabis. It differs from the main active ingredient THC in that cannabinoids are not psychoactive and are used almost exclusively for medicinal purposes. CBD can increase certain neurotransmitters that help lift your mood, and therefore anxiety. This change in body chemicals can calm your nerves and muscles so you can relax. This can also be helpful during a panic attack. Studies have shown that doses of 300 mg to 600 mg reduce anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder.

If you’re thinking of trying CBD but don’t like the idea of ​​smoking a joint, the good news is that there are several different ways to consume CBD for anxiety relief. Each method is effective, but it depends on you and your preferences.

Smoking and vaping

Photo by: Kindel Media

When CBD is inhaled, it goes straight to the lungs and bloodstream. The effects are immediate. This can be done by smoking a joint, vaping, using a pipe or bong.

Topical application

Photo by: Tree of Life Seeds

You can find CBD in lip balms, creams, and ointments for your skin.
It is easy to use and can be used not only for anxiety but also for sore muscles and headaches.


Photo by: RR Medicinals

Edibles are one of the fastest growing ways to consume CBD. It’s available in things like gummies and lollipops. It’s like eating delicious candy and we could even do it while at work because no one would notice the difference. Keep in mind, however, that some edibles may take a while to work. So remember not to overdo it.


Photo by: Tree of Life Seeds

You take a few drops of the oil and drop it under your tongue and hold it for 30 seconds before swallowing it. Just like the edibles, this can be added to food or drink. This is also a discreet method that will help you feel calm and relaxed.

Do You Think CBD Helps With Anxiety? Let us know what is the best way to use CBD in the comments below. Follow CLN for the latest news, editorials, and more.

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