How CBD can help dogs with osteoarthritis

Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, published discoveries on the relationship between dogs and their owners. They recognized the deep and complex bond that exists between many people and their dogs. They also understood that owners often used the terms “parent” and “child” to describe this relationship. A dog’s life with a good pet parent has proven to be great: The average life expectancy of dogs increased from 10.5 years to 11.8 years between 2002 and 2016, partly due to dogs being better cared for by their humans .

However, the longer dogs live, the more prone they are to health problems. A common condition is osteoarthritis, which causes pain and inflammation in dogs. Your dog may suffer from it if he has trouble going up and down stairs or getting around in general. Previous research has shown that 20% of North American dogs that are at least one year old suffer from osteoarthritis, with older dogs at higher risk. Pet owners want to help. This is how CBD can work in dogs with osteoarthritis.

However, a new study found that CBD could provide relief in dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. The study, published in the Journal of Immunology and conducted in collaboration with hemp retailer Medterra, found that CBD reduced pain symptoms and increased mobility in dogs. These therapeutic effects persisted even after the dogs stopped taking CBD.

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The double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study enrolled 20 large dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis. These dogs were randomly divided into four test groups. Each day for four weeks, they received one of four treatment options: a placebo, 20 mg of pure CBD, 50 mg of pure CBD, or 20 mg of liposomal CBD. A liposome is a common vehicle for drug delivery. It encapsulates drugs in tiny lipid vesicles and allows for more targeted integration into the body.

Photo by R+R Medicinals via Unsplash

Throughout the study, owners and veterinarians—neither of whom knew how much CBD the dogs were taking—rated the dogs’ pain and mobility levels.

According to Matthew Halpert PhD, a faculty member in the Department of Pathology and Immunology at Baylor College of Medicine, dogs given a low dose of pure CBD or a placebo were “just as miserable as before.” (He also serves as Medterra’s Senior Scientific Advisor.) However, dogs taking higher doses of CBD or liposomal CBD saw significant improvements in their pain and mobility. “The dogs seemed happier and could do more,” Halpert told Forbes.

“I’ll admit that I was surprised at how quickly we saw such big results,” added Halpert. “I didn’t expect to see too much of anything in just a month.”

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Two weeks after CBD administration, osteoarthritic symptoms did not recur in the dogs, which showed better mobility and quality of life. Halpert believes this proves that CBD not only masked the pain, but actually treated the underlying inflammation.

CBD for pets is an emerging industry. It is estimated that CBD pet products will generate sales of $563 million by the end of this year. But anecdotal evidence is far more common than research like this. Dog owners should consult a veterinarian before taking CBD medication.

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