How cannabis is helping some Ukrainians survive in the midst of war
As Russia’s war against Ukraine rages on, the people of Ukraine still believe in the power of cannabis – and its role in healing the country.
Tia Moskalenko is a 28-year-old Ukrainian cannabis professional living in Kyiv, Ukraine, where she works as a communications manager for the AskGrowers platform. AskGrowers strives to provide consumers with detailed information and education about brands, manufacturers and growers.
“You can always find a friend who will grow weed. You can call him up and say, “Hey man, I need some relaxation. Can you help me?’ The cannabis society here in Ukraine is really nice and always happy to help you.”
Tia Moskalenko
Moskalenko is like many people in the cannabis industry – she works to provide accurate, reliable information about a plant she believes in. But since early 2022, Moskalenko has had a front-row seat in a category of hardships that some may not be familiar with — the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
Since February 24, 2022, Ukraine has been defending itself against Russia, its neighbor to the north and east, and unfortunately the intensity has only increased in the months since. And although nearly eight million Ukrainians have migrated to other places to find a greater sense of security, some, like Moskalenko, have chosen to stay and witness the realities of war as they unfold.
Moskalenko sat down with Leafly to talk about life in Ukraine in 2022 and the past and future of cannabis in their country.
The perception of cannabis in Ukraine
“The popularity of cannabis in Ukraine happened long before the war began,” says Moskalenko. “But I think the war is one of the reasons people are turning to cannabis… we all believe cannabis helps with PTSD and some other mental illnesses [health] disturbances.”
Although Moskalenko is careful to make it clear that cannabis may not help with every disorder, she is confident that she knows how cannabis can bring relief to her and those around her.
“It helps you relax and forget about anything bad that’s going on,” she said.
And when it comes to life in wartime, relaxation is no small thing. Moskalenko speaks of how, a few hours before the interview began, the sound of shells nearby startled and woke her and her partner that morning.
“For a moment I thought these were my last seconds in life,” Moskalenko said with a humorless laugh. “We heard the rocket really close to our house, and it was like, okay, this could hit our house now, our building. Even my cats were shocked.”
She continued, “So you’re thinking right now, Jesus, you need to at least relax somehow. It really ruins the whole day. It really ruins all your work because you can’t think about work when something like this is going on. You need to [be able to] flee to the shelters.”
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Fight with fight-or-flight instincts during the Russian invasion
Moskalenko spoke about how Ukrainians currently live in a constant state of fight or flight and how it affects the nervous system. She believes cannabis “plays one of the things [most] important role in people’s lives right now,” noting that she only means this for the people who aren’t actively fighting.
Ukrainians, both soldiers and civilians, are a nation of people who are at risk of developing PTSD every day as they cope with the invasion of their country. Combat exposure is a leading cause of PTSD, and without treatment and management, the condition can seriously impact a person’s quality of life.
In many studies, cannabis has been effective in relieving the symptoms of PTSD. And when combined with appropriate treatment plans, cannabis has the potential to help some people regain a sense of control and normalcy in their lives.
“You can always find a friend who will grow weed. You can call him up and say, “Hey man, I need some relaxation. Can you help me?’” says Moskalenko. “The cannabis society here in Ukraine is really nice and always happy to help you.”
A proud country in the spotlight
“As a nation, we are really talented people. I’m really sad that the world didn’t know much about Ukraine before the invasion started,” Moskalenko continues earnestly. “People have started to understand that we have great IT here and we have a chance to show in the future that we can grow cannabis because a lot of people [in Ukraine] know how to grow it properly.”
“After the war and after our country is rebuilt, the whole world will see that not only can we fight for our freedom, but that we are really talented from different points of view; and we will have more friends.”
Tia Moskalenko
Moskalenko believes that Ukraine will see legalization in the not too distant future. In fact, Ukraine has been actively pursuing the idea for some time, with top politicians endorsing the idea. However, Moskalenko explains the hurdles that have delayed the movement.
First COVID-19, and now the war and power shortages have caused major disruptions across the country.
In June, Ukraine’s Health Minister Viktor Lyashko announced an approved draft law that would regulate the spread of cannabis for medical conditions, specifically “expanding patient access to necessary treatment for…post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from war.”
Moskalenko says that between this and the most recent polls showing a majority in Ukraine want legalization, the results confirm that “things are really changing.”
“We are a nation that really loves to grow, and it doesn’t matter if it’s grain or weed,” says Moskalenko. “We like to experiment and get involved with new things, we get involved with everything new.”
Proclamation of a free and prosperous future
“After the war and after our country is rebuilt, the whole world will see that not only can we fight for our freedom, but that we are really talented from different points of view; and we will have more friends,” says Moskalenko, proud of Ukraine’s global position and future.
Their optimism is invigorating and is just a small example of Ukraine’s overall perseverance and determination. It’s easy to imagine how Ukraine could channel this energy to become one of the world’s leading cannabis suppliers in the future.
Despite the fighting caused by the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Moskalenko remains confident that cannabis will play a crucial role in Ukraine’s recovery from the effects of war in the future.
For now, its residents bravely persist in their quest for freedom.
Rae Lland
Rae Lland is a freelance writer, journalist and former editor for Weedist and The Leaf Online. With a focus on culture, music, health and wellness, in addition to her work for Leafly, she has been featured in numerous online cannabis publications as well as print editions of Cannabis Now Magazine. Follow her on Instagram @rae.lland
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