How a failed stabbing operation exposes dodgy law enforcement tactics

Doctor Fights State After Marijuana Sting Operation

It’s hard to trust the government when there are many examples that make one doubt whether they are really here to “serve and protect”. Today I’m bringing you a “shitshow” of a spiked operation that went south and has now led the target of the investigation to sue the state of Florida for conspiracy and forgery of federal documents.

The story was reported through the Miami division of CBS and describes the actions of two undercover agents falsely asking about cannabis from a doctor who has practiced medicine for 30 years.

The story is about Doctor Joseph Dorn, who is currently in danger of losing his license to prescribe cannabis to two patients who were actually investigators. Patient “OG” (Ben Lanier) and patient “BD” both asked about cannabis under false pretenses.

Lanier said he had PTSD – a condition acceptable for obtaining medical cannabis. Lanier claimed he suffered from PTSD episodes after serving in Afghanistan – the same place the doctor’s son had served.

While Lanier only presented a handwritten medical record showing that he was diagnosed with PTSD by the military. Lanier also had a fake driver’s license that confirmed his false identity. This was the state’s complaint against Dorn.

Dorn’s lawyers, however, quash the charges, claiming state investigators broke the law;

  1. They lacked the enforcement powers to conduct such investigations

  2. Federal law broken by forging military records

  3. He broke state law by pretending the undercover agents had a problem that qualifies them as a medical marijuana patient.

His lawyers had this to say;

“The fact that they are so bold as to just make up and lie when employees serve in the military is only worse when you consider that the governor also served abroad for the country. … It’s just another shame, “Andrews said, adding that health officials said Dr. Have exploited Dorn, “whose son is in the military. It is disrespectful to the governor who served abroad and also risked his life. “

In addition, Dorn’s attorneys accuse Courtney Coppola, a former director of the state’s medical marijuana bureau who now serves as the deputy chief of staff to Governor Ron DeSantis, of “participating in a conspiracy to commit fraud,” through forging and forging federal documents.

However, the state doubled its position and used this as evidence to file the complaint against Dorn, as reported on CBS;

“We know the document was forged. It wasn’t a real medical record. That is the point we were trying to prove. Can’t we come up with enough evidence and wave a piece of paper around and say, “Dr. Dorn, can we have medical marijuana? ‘ and whether Dr. Dorn would accept this fraudulent piece of paper, which was fake or not based on a real patient, and give that person medical marijuana or not ”, – Chief Legal Council of the Ministry of Health Kirsten Summers.

Dorn’s attorneys urged the Department of Health to have specific jurisdiction over this type of investigation, to which Summers responded;

“It is our responsibility to ensure public safety,” she told a judge. “We have fairly broad legal requirements in order to be able to conduct investigations at our discretion. There are not many lines of demarcation other than the fact that we are allowed to investigate. This is what the legislature said, we will be able to investigate. “

What’s happening now?

The case is still ongoing and it would be interesting to see how it ends. Personally, I think the government should not be able to use shady tactics like exploiting people’s goodwill and emotionally manipulating doctors to break the law.

What are you trying to prove? Try saying, “This doctor recommends cannabis to people who“ claim to be sick ”by using legitimately approved conditions as a means of manipulation. The fact that they used Afghanistan’s backstory indicates that they were doing it with shameful intentions.

Especially when Dorn’s lawyers pointed out that another doctor was recommending cannabis to 14,000 patients at the same time as Dorn – and was not subjected to the same harassment from the Ministry of Health.

We’ll find out how this case ends next week;

Therefore we cannot “trust” the government

I know some of you might say, “Reginald – this only happens in Florida, brother!” But the truth is, government corruption is one thing, and it is by no means “new”. All you have to do is check the history of the U.S. cannabis ban to know that the government is doing shady shit.

Personally, I hope Dorn’s attorney wins this case – to stop the government from using such dubious tactics. Such violations happen all the time.

I’m not saying we should be paranoid and fear the government all the time, but I hope these types of stories serve to wake up some of the people who may not be aware that the governments have shameful intentions.

After all, the government is made up of people and, according to the government, “people cannot be trusted”. This is the government’s fallacy that “people cannot rule themselves, so OTHER people have to rule them!”

And if you don’t like it, they might dress up and pretend to be someone else so they can legally incriminate you and try to ruin your life. Or they could just punish you right in jail with Epstein like they probably did with Mcafee.

Let this be an eye opener to those who blindly follow authority. Always remember: “Governments are people too, and if people can be corrupt – then so can governments”.




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