Horror Movies Experts Say You Should NOT Watch When You’re High

From Hernán Panessi via El Planteo

Horror films are known for often involving physical sensations and mental exploration. In fact, they often become a vehicle for experiencing lightning. They are also synthesized as a lysergic capsule that causes what explodes on screen to vibrate in the body.

For this reason, it is sometimes advisable not to smoke a joint and watch certain films of the horror genre due to its introspective side.

Photo by JESHOOTS.com by Pexels

With this list specially designed for El Planteo, various experts in the field have dug the depths of their video stores to warn us about these dark movies. In short, movies to avoid if you’ve smoked marijuana.

Trances should be skipped if you are sensitive and don’t want to step over the shadowy threshold to this striking but not always beautiful “other side” of the mind.

From now on everything is at your own risk.

Axel Kuschevatzky, Oscar-winning screenwriter, journalist and producer: The Trip & Blue Sunshine

Additionally, experts would not recommend anyone who has taken illegal substances to watch Roger Corman’s The Trip. People who use any substance may have a “bad trip.”

In the second instance, Blue Sunshine is about the delayed effects of a hallucinogenic substance in the 1960s. Years later, people go bald and start killing other people. This is also a somewhat awkward film for anyone who has experienced or attempted to escape our reality through illicit substances.

Canela Rodríguez Fontao and Mariana Zárate, From La Monstrua Cinéfaga: Unconscious Cruelty, Guinea Pig and Lamb

Subconscious Cruelty (1999) by Karim Hussain is a film/essay about pleasure and joy in one’s suffering. Man and his two cerebral hemispheres are in perpetual conflict: on the one hand, logic; and momentum on the other. The images are disjointed, deeply eschatological and powerful. Everything we describe may seem ideal, but NO!

Chances are, Hussain’s film will leave you shaking in a fetal position, understanding absolutely nothing of what you’ve been watching, and at the same time understanding it so well that you’ll scare yourself.

Also all parts of the guinea pig saga. Do you think you like gore and you take it perfectly? Guinea Pigs is not a film to watch if you’re insane; You must be very attached to the idea that “it’s just a movie”.

Charlie Sheen saw it and called the police because he thought it was a snuff film (literally) because he didn’t know it wasn’t comfortable for him to look up (and we have no proof or doubt he did). was).

Moreover, the most recent of the anti-recommendations is Lamb, a 2021 Polish film directed by Valdimar Jóhannsson, in which a couple raises a humanoid sheep named Ada and dresses him in all sorts of clothes: from children’s clothes to overalls.

El Planteo believes, “If you watch the movie high, there’s a good chance that this crossbreed between a farm animal and a human infant becomes creepy and disturbing very quickly.”

Or maybe you even dress your dog up in a dress and expect him to sit on his hind legs, and when your expectation isn’t met you get frustrated.

Florence Orsetti from Survival Horror Downloads: Tusk

The truth is that it’s difficult to think about which horror movie NOT to watch while high, because for someone who loves horror as much as I do, it seems to me that most flashy and psychedelic ones get better, when you’re high.

But there’s one I can tell you not to watch because you might have a bad trip, and that’s Tusk, Kevin Smith’s body horror comedy. It’s a bizarre movie that I hate and love at the same time, starring Johnny Depp and a bunch of well-known actors, in which a kid is turned into a walrus.

The process is tingling, a joke, and utter disgust, but the problem with being high is the underlying subtext. If you are one of those people who smoke and get caught chasing yourself, you can take too seriously the pessimistic and existentialist vision you have behind the scenes and become depressed, very depressed or very angry. This film itself seeks that, imagine getting stoned.

Jorge Loser, From Horror Losers: Where the Dead Die

If you smoke a joint, never watch Where the Dead Go to Die, which is the closest thing to a damn video coming out of a movie theater creepypasta.

A strange collage of hellish visions, violence and surreal nightmares with crude 3D animation typical of a video game so rudimentary it becomes more disturbing, a semi-anthology with an insane overall plot full of torture, patricide, incest, sodomy, pedophilia and diabolical Pacts that the less sense it makes, the better it works. An exercise in extreme provocation with its own intuitive mythology.

The home animation-style equivalent of a 90’s amateur comic fanzine whose messy style has coherence and adds a matching texture of grime and ugliness. It’s insane, not suitable for any palate that can lead to very, very bad vibes under psychotropic effects.

Superstar Magnus Mephisto: Mother!

According to El Planteo, “Darren Aronofsky’s Mom is the movie you shouldn’t watch while smoking a joint! Rare film starring Jennifer Lawrence and Benicio del Toro.” A very symbolic film with sequences that can be very complicated for people with anxiety or for those who start blinking badly. They might become violent while watching this film. I don’t think I should tell it, it’s more to enjoy.

Keep in mind that it’s very symbolic, very strange. It doesn’t have a very armed plot. The plot is used as an excuse to tell something that the director wants the characters and events to symbolize. It happens in a house all year round. And it has sequences that really look like a bad trip.

Matias Orta, from “A Sala Llena”: The Thing & Hellraiser

Another movie we should avoid if you’ve used a “strange substance” is John Carpenter’s The Thing. That it’s an experience in itself, paranoid, grotesque, and being in a “special mood” can maximize that experience and take you to really uncomfortable places.

With all that paranoia and that catalog of monstrosities, “I wouldn’t dare put it that way.” The Thing is a film you might want to avoid in this mood.

Another film to avoid if you’ve smoked or used “something out of the ordinary” is Hellraiser. It’s a Clive Barker film with those creatures, the cenobites, who come from the underworld to apply the idea of ​​pleasure to torment. After consuming “Something Strange”, you can flash it in unexpected ways.

Rodrigo Gil Buetto, Santiago Hardie and Fermín Gonçalves from Scream Queens: Climax

The mysticism that constantly surrounds this film by Gaspar Noé has almost become an urban legend. Its mix of psychedelics, unconventional camera movements, mesmerizing music and highly aesthetic photography with very beautiful colors and neon lights made Climax a “psychedelic film”.

The truth is that this 2018 film seems to have all the necessary elements to see him stoned and caught in the clutches of the dream that Noah wants us to have. But more than a dream, Climax can become a nightmare.

In 2020 we did an episode of our podcast on Drugs and Terror and featured Climax. Not only does the drug play an important role in the development of the plot, but many people have included it in their list of movies to watch while stoned.

However, “we don’t think this is a movie to watch stoned, or at least to watch stoned and have a good time.”

Why? Because the concept of this film basically goes on a bad journey. We see several characters find themselves in a very claustrophobic situation of imprisonment, falling into a limitless spiral that brings them closer to collective madness.

“Climax” is actually a very big anxiety trigger. This film is uncomfortable and if you watch it in an altered state you can get caught in the same spiral as the characters. Seeing it smoked can set you on a bad trip and lead you into the depths of this nightmare.

This article originally appeared on El Planteo (translated for Benzinga) and has been republished with permission.

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