Home for the holidays? How to Use Weed Discreetly

As the holidays approach, most of us consolidate our plans. Whether this means going home to stay with your parents or hosting some guests in your home, you should make a plan when it comes to your cannabis use.

Although everyone has a different tolerance for the unconventional smell of weed, it’s nice to be courteous with others and be careful of their place. Also, thanks to the large quantities of marijuana products available to you, it is easier than ever to smoke or consume discreetly.

Here are some options that, regardless of your situation, could make it easier for you to get high.

Wait until the time is right

Photo by Parker Gibbons via Unsplash

While the holidays are cluttered, there are always little nooks in which you can have some time to yourself. Use them whether you are at home alone or on the way to the supermarket. To hide the trace of your smoke, store your weed in a sealed glass container and leave your windows open. If time is short, use a sploof or buy a smoke buddy. The bathroom is always a good option for a short-term smoke, especially if you turn on the shower and allow the steam to dilute the weed smoke.

Buy a vape pen

4 tips to avoid counterfeit vape cartridgesPhoto by jetcityimage / Getty Images

The best thing you can do for smoking discreetly is to buy a vape pen. Useful not just for the holidays, but all year round, this article simplifies the smoking process and allows you to get high without releasing weed odors and without packing a bowl, rolling a joint, etc, test the pen with one sober friend who can tell you if the cartridge is working or if you need to buy something that has a lighter smell.

Go out

How Marijuana and CBD Contribute to Quiet, Healing WalksPhoto by Jad Limcaco via Unsplash

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The closest thing you can do is get out of your house and get high somewhere you can be alone. Take care of others and obey the laws of your state. While this isn’t a full-time solution, adding grass to your walks and escape times can be a healthy way to have much-needed time to yourself. Remember, you must return to your home and face everyone you live with. Bring some gum and perfume, but don’t overdo it as it might make things more obvious.

Switch to edibles

How To Get Edibles Faster To Influence YouPhoto by Tree of Life Seeds via Pexels

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Edibles are practical and eliminate smoke or paraphernalia that are always a nuisance when hanging out with others. They can be consumed around other people without them knowing better. Just in case you don’t want to pretend you’re not high when you really are, just monitor your dosage.

Practice your poker face

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When using weed around parents or disapproving of roommates, it is always important to be discreet. Pay attention to other people’s places and make sure that your marijuana use is not an inconvenience for the rest of your household. Practice your poker face and relax as best you can; most of the time people are too busy to notice that your eyes are a little red and you are giggling a little.

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