Vaping has been on everyone’s lips in recent years. But e-cigarettes are not as new as many think; They actually have a long history that predates their current fashion subculture.
The early days of modern vaping were not cloaked in coolness or guided by youth as they seem today. Today, vaping is often viewed as a hobby, pastime, or even a fashion statement, but modern e-cigarettes were born out of necessity.
Vaping: born out of necessity, has developed its own culture.
People have long struggled to find alternatives to smoking. Different products, from nicotine gum to patches to snuff, have all had varying degrees of success, but none has become a cultural phenomenon quite like vaping.
Vapers owe much of this success to e-cigarettes. Although essentially the same, there are significant aesthetic and functional differences between vaporizers and e-cigarettes. However, no history of vaping would be complete without talking about its origins from e-cigarettes.
The first mention of e-cigarettes and vaping came in the 1930s when inventor Joseph Robinson was attempting to create a “medicinal compound” vaporization device. Although his idea was successfully patented, it is unclear whether successful prototypes were ever created.
It wasn’t until over 30 years later, in the 1960s, that another inventor managed to put something together. Herbert Gilbert designed and built a device that could burn tobacco without smoke. Unfortunately, the product was never commercialized.
Volcanic Vaporizer
This is where it gets interesting. In the early 2000s, the groundbreaking Vulcan vape device began to make waves in the US vaping market. It was sold in the 90’s, but mostly at conventions (at least in the US) for thousands of dollars. It was very new at the time, and most didn’t know what to think of it. It clearly wasn’t made for tobacco, but it took a while for people to catch on. In the 2000s, it became a cultural phenomenon, sparking discussion of alternative ways to smoke marijuana and introducing many smokers to the idea of vaporization.
The appeal of the Volcano vaporizer stems from a number of key advantages:
1. It is designed to deliver a stronger hit
2. It reduces the odors of smoking
3. Its novelty
Today’s cannabis vapes have adopted these components and offer a very similar value proposition, but in a generally more compact form.
E cigarette
However, it wasn’t until 2003 that the e-cigarette was actually invented. When Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist and inventor, lost his father to lung cancer and became addicted to cigarettes himself, he set out to find a radical alternative solution.
Hon Lik e-cigarettes are simple in design. Visually, they resemble normal cigarettes. The whole point of e-cigarettes is to mimic real cigarettes as closely as possible and satisfy smokers’ desire for real cigarettes.
This revolutionary invention grew in popularity and slowly spread to all parts of the world. People accept this new way of smoking which is not so harmful to smokers or their environment.
During this time, enterprising inventors and companies recognized the commercial potential of e-cigarettes. This led to an experimentation phase in which companies tried to outperform each other for market share
to make more and more stylish and cool vapes iterations.
Vapes differ significantly from e-cigarettes: they are not primarily used to simulate smoking, although many users use them as a means of quitting. They are not physically like cigarettes. They also have additional features that e-cigarettes don’t have, such as the ability to be modified to create larger or thicker “clouds”. These clouds serve no functional purpose. Instead, they are purely for enjoyment.
It’s hard to say exactly who invented the first vape, who came up with the idea for highly customizable vape mods, or even who came up with the idea for vape pods that are very popular today.
vape development
What we do know is that in the 2010s, e-cigarettes suddenly became popular and created their own subculture of enthusiasts and collectors. This in turn led to the creation of hundreds of companies that manufacture their own vape products. It’s safe to say that modern vaping has strayed from its original purpose. In fact, some of today’s most popular vape products are more akin to pendrives than cigarettes.
Like nicotine vapes, marijuana vapes have evolved over the years. The mighty Volcano vape has now been pushed aside or only released for parties, but for everyday use consumers have turned to slick cannabis vape pens, electric e-rigs and electric dab straws. There is some debate about the safety of these products, most researchers and experts in the field point out that the devices are inherently safer than smoking cannabis due to fewer inhaled carcinogens and other toxins released by burning the cannabis smoking arise.
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