High on hemp? Not quite
The endless restrictions imposed by the 2018 Farm Bill have limited the growth of the industrial hemp sector. This shows a glaring need for change, which is where the Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 comes into play. This measure will remove major limitations in the Farm Bill that have made it highly unlikely to thrive.
Hemp production has been authorized in the United States by the Farm Bill. The first of its kind, the federal initiative imposes so many regulatory requirements that it makes it impossible for legal operators to compete with illegal producers. The central issue of the bill, which growers and processors seem unable to address, is THC limits. The 2018 Farm Bill requires all hemp products to contain less than 0.3% THC. This was very difficult to achieve as growers described the delivery as ‘unbearable’.
The Hemp Promotion Act of 2022
This bill is a legislative change that would fix some of the problems in current hemp laws. The bill could raise the threshold for THC in hemp products to 1 percent, which is more than reasonable.
In the past, some farms and processors were ruined by this existing threshold due to some hiccups that made it impossible for them to produce plants with less than 0.3% THC. In this case, some of these companies destroy the crops, especially in non-legal states, while encouraging some to sell them on the black market to make a profit.
The new bill, the Hemp Advancement Act of 2022, was introduced by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree on Tuesday, February 8. She clarified that the goal of this proposed measure is to improve the provisions of the Farm Bill 2018 and increase the flexibility of hemp farmers and processors in manufacturing these products. She added that these changes would bring more clarity to existing laws.
Pingree explained that the 2018 Farm Bill laid the groundwork for the legal hemp industry in the US, but in the process created extremely confusing guidelines and difficulties for growers and small business owners. She went on to explain that her newly introduced bill could eliminate unworkable and unreasonable testing requirements called for by the farm bill without jeopardizing consumer safety. She added that 1% THC is a feasible threshold for hemp products. Another necessary provision in the new bill is the creation of equality in the industry. Black, white, convicted and unconvicted cannabis offenders have equal rights to grow legal weed.
The congresswoman also noted that her bill is a simple, straight-forward strategy to solve the complex problems encountered in enforcing hemp laws. With the Hemp Amendment Act, the United States hemp industry could become more profitable and accessible to all. She said her bill is better equipped to support the growth potential of the country’s hemp economy while providing operators with a clear path forward.
Important Provisions in the Amendment Act
During the bill’s introduction, Pingree highlighted three possible Farm Bill fixes that the new 2022 bill would make.
The first solution is to raise the acceptable THC levels for hemp flower and extracts to make the industry more bearable for hemp producers. The proposed threshold will be appropriate enough to allow producers and processors to carry out their activities correctly while ensuring that the released products placed on the markets are not psychoactive or intoxicating.
The second solution is to scrap the requirement that all hemp testing be performed in labs licensed by the Drug Enforcement Agency. This determination presented a significant challenge for Maine hemp producers because none of the testing facilities in the region are DEA approved.
The third solution is to end the ban on those with cannabis or drug-related offences. The 2018 Farm Act says Americans who have served drug-related sentences or convictions must be barred from applying for grower or processing licenses for ten years. Because most of these excluded individuals are either Black or Hispanic, the provision indirectly excludes communities of color from the burgeoning market.
Several hemp organizations have read the Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 and offered their support to Congresswoman Pingree to ensure the bill passes. One of those notable companies on the US Hemp Roundtable. This organization represents several major grassroots organizations in the US hemp scene.
According to Jonathan Miller, general counsel of the US Hemp Roundtable, while the 2018 Farm Bill is valued, it needs several changes because the current law presents unresolvable challenges. He commended the USDA’s commitment to addressing farmers’ concerns and problems in a timely manner. Still, he said the current Farm Bill needed to be changed to remove significant burdens on cannabis producers across the country.
The future of the hemp industry
The progress of the hemp sector depends on how quickly these legislative proposals or a similar change can be approved. The hemp industry is one of the few industries that is at high risk due to excessive regulation and mandatory demands from government agencies.
Miller stressed that it was so unfair that cannabis farmers could be forced to burn all or large parts of their crops just because they contain more than 0.3% THC. If this continues, hundreds of farmers will leave the industry or move to illegal markets to avoid losses. All of this could be solved with a slight change in THC threshold and more.
The Hemp Amendment Act of 2022 is critical to the progress of the industry. Congresswoman Pingree is distressed because hemp production in her home state of Maine is at a standstill. Their newly introduced bill could put the state’s hemp industry on the progressive path to the upside.
Keep in mind that hemp is a legal crop that could serve as a raw material for the textile, fuel, food, and medical industries. The only way to fully realize its potential is to give growers and processors more freedom to grow these crops through the Hemp Amendment Act of 2022.
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