Here’s the surprising thing that happened when Thai farmers fed cannabis to their chickens
Now that medical marijuana is legal in Thailand, farm owners face a new problem. What do you do with the excess cannabis leaves?
As first reported by The Nation Thailand, a farming community near the northern Thai city of Lampang teamed up with scientists from Chiang Mai University’s Faculty of Agriculture to see if chickens would benefit from excess cannabis leaves. The results were promising and could lead to farmers reducing their reliance on antibiotics in chicken farming.
According to The Nation Thailand, the farmers, who happened to be licensed to grow medicinal cannabis, put their chickens on the weed diet after their flock was struck with avian bronchitis, despite all the birds being injected with antibiotics. Would excess cannabis be the solution they needed?
Photo by Yarygin/Getty Images
RELATED: Thailand decriminalizes marijuana, but recreational use is still illegal
Researchers explained that chickens were fed cannabis in various forms, either by mixing it with their feed or by boiling the leaves and giving them the resulting cannabinoid water. All forms of cannabis fed to chickens were low in THC to ensure they didn’t get high or experience any side effects.
The results have yet to be released, but researchers have uncovered some positive signs that point to a way to raise chickens while reducing their exposure to antibiotics. The chicken that ate cannabis suffered less avian bronchitis and had better meat quality. Unlike when antibiotics were used, the meat and eggs the chicken produced did not contain trace amounts of cannabinoids, thus proving to be healthier for human consumers.
It is not clear why these benefits appeared. Researchers agree that more studies are needed, and they theorize that cannabis may strengthen the chickens’ gut microbiome and improve their overall health.
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However, the country remains strict on its recreational cannabis policy, warning tourists and imposing fines of up to $800 and three months in prison if people are caught smoking or using cannabis with non-medical intent.
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