Hemp-eating bees don’t age very quickly, but what about hemp-eating humans?

With several countries conducting our extensive research on cannabis and hemp, one of the latest research from Poland has uncovered something interesting. This group of Polish researchers found that bees fed hemp extract aged more slowly than those fed a normal diet.

For many of us, growing up was a fantasy when we were younger, but it turns out that after a while, getting older isn’t that interesting anymore. When we were young, we just wanted to be old enough to go to college, or old enough to drive, fetch our bike, or go to the pharmacy or bar.

But after a while, that’s no longer fun, and aging becomes overwhelming. Things that didn’t hurt start to hurt, hair grows in some places and stops growing in others, and physical activity becomes a difficult task. For the physical things one can do, the execution becomes slower and the body hurts for a long time after such a task.

What we have today are people who are trying very hard to delay or even completely reverse the aging process. In fact, it’s also become a huge business as the industry is bigger than ever. According to a study published by Statista, the global anti-aging market is estimated to be worth approximately US$58.5 billion in 2020. The anti-aging industry is projected to register a compound annual growth rate of 7% between 2021 and 2026.

Obviously, not all of these anti-aging supplements work. A larger percentage of these products are nothing more than hyped snake oil used to financially exploit desperate people who either delay it or reverse the aging process. However, thanks to new research, there may be one thing that has the potential to meet the needs of people looking for anti-aging products – hemp.

The existence of bees and hemp

Poladian researchers recently examined the relationship between honest bees and hemp extract supplements. The research was carried out in collaboration with the University of Life Sciences in Lublin under the Department of Ecophysiology and Experimental Biology of Invertebrates.

According to the researchers, they evaluated the effects of hemp extract on the antioxidant system and its overall activities. The research evaluated peroxidases, catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione and total antioxidant potential in adult bee hemolymph. The research grouped the bees into three separate groups;

The researchers sampled hemolymph from each treatment from the first day of the study, and the bees died once every two weeks. All diseased bees were then examined by the researchers.

According to the researchers, all antioxidant enzyme activities were lower in the control group than in the experimental groups. The highest level of antioxidant activity was recorded in the group that injected cannabis.

The lifespan of these bees was also longer in the hemp-supplemented group than in the control group (the group that only consumed sugar syrup). The bees in the control group survived 35 days, while the hemp extract in syrup and on strips groups survived 52 days and 49 days, respectively. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of the hemp extract, the activity of important antioxidant enzymes has been increased, which protects the bees from free radicals. In addition, the aging process of honey bees was greatly delayed, the researchers concluded.

Does Hemp Have Anti-Aging Benefits?

Cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, CBG, CBN) have been shown to provide various health benefits for humans, especially seniors. Cannabinoids help improve brain function, reduce inflammation, and relieve arthritis pain. However, another major benefit of cannabinoids for senior health has been discovered that has so much to do with the aging process.

If we look at the human anatomy, we have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which means that the human body naturally produces cannabinoids. That is why it is called endocannabinoid, meaning from within. The same groups of cannabinoids are also present in cannabis and hemp and are called phytocannabinoids. Most importantly, these two types of cannabinoids act similarly and offer parallel health benefits in the human body.

The ECS is tasked with maintaining the balance of homeostasis in the human body and it does this effortlessly with the help of cannabinoids. Think of the ECS as the body’s control center, working 24/7 like a well-oiled engine. It governs our entire physiological system – the digestive system, nervous system, hormones, brain, bones and skin, immune system, heart and liver.

As our bodies age, the ECS’ ability to produce cannabinoids decreases, resulting in an imbalanced system. To this end, our body becomes prone to disease and disease. As cannabinoid production decreases, the level of functioning in the ECS becomes compromised.

So, in theory, supplementing the human body with wine phytocannabinoids will greatly improve ECS function, thus delaying or reversing the anti-aging process. Some diseases such as diseases, joint pain and muscle pain are cured. However, as things stand, research into ECS is still fairly new, but the results have shown promising results for this home remedy.


Apparently, bees do not have anatomical and physiological processes similar to humans, so the application of research in Poland to humans still needs more detailed research. However, the results of bee research are quite revealing. The fact that hemp extract is good for both humans and bees is a win-win for increasing consumption of both species.

The drastic decline in the global bee population and the catastrophic effects on the global ecosystem are also no longer news. Therefore, it is always a good idea to help bees live longer. From this point of view, the results of the research are quite incredible and will hopefully help increase the global bee population.







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