Health Canada: No Cannabis Soda For You! – Cannabis | weed | marijuana
Health Canada is cracking down on cannabis beverages containing the words “soda”, “cola”, “root beer” and “ginger ale”.
In a letter to licensed producers, bureaucrats who have too much time write:
Health Canada’s position is that the use of certain terms commonly used to refer to a sweetened soft drink, such as ‘Soda’, ‘Cola’, ‘Root Beer’ or ‘Ginger Ale’ may result in cannabis being sold with packaging/labeling is prohibited.
When necessary, Health Canada may take enforcement action to address violations or mitigate risks to public health or safety.
This is of course for “the kids” as they might enjoy fizzy sodas.
Not to mention that children are not allowed in cannabis shops that sell them. Or that cannabis beverage cans come with child-resistant packaging.
Or the obvious fact that soda – whether it contains cannabis or not – is not a drink that kids should be drinking.
Health Canada just provided another example of how broken Canada is.
Cannabis soda accounts for over 50% of beverage sales
Source: Headset
According to cannabis analytics company Headset, cannabis sodas make up nearly 60% of all cannabis beverage sales.
We’re not sure who’s buying those weak 10mg sugar drinks. Why not take a higher potency cannabis tincture and wash it down with a regular can of soda at a fraction of the cost?
Regardless, the move is another example of Canada’s anti-consumption cannabis industry. Where the appeal to “young people” trumps the free choice of adults.
Last week, Ottawa Public Health proposed that Health Canada ban words like “gummy bears” and “candy” from cannabis products. They also want graphic images on every product, such as cigarettes.
CLN emailed Ottawa Public Health asking for a response. In particular, we wanted to know why they don’t cover “gummies” and “candies” in general. After all, refined sugar is far more relevant and dangerous to kids than a few accidental cannabis ingestions.
“We invite you to contact the Canadian government directly,” was her non-response.
In Trudeau’s Canada, self-serving bureaucrats are evidently drunk on their own power. These people wouldn’t last a minute in the private sector.
You know it sucks when George Smitherman – no friend of BC Bud – tells MjBizdaily that these bans “are not rooted in science”.
The lesson here is that you can’t please Health Canada. They’re like the woke Twitter mob. It’s never enough for them.
Ergo, Canada’s “illegal” cannabis market has the right to forgo this empty regulatory regime.
Cannabis sodas? what about alcohol
If cannabis sodas appeal to kids, what about alcohol?
If you go to a Canadian liquor store, you will find ready-made Jack & Cokes. Vodka drinks that look like Kool-Aid. Root beer infused with rum. Even the name “root beer” is problematic.
What about glass bottles that look like beer bottles? I remember drinking Dad’s Root brand of beer as a kid and thinking how cool it was to drink from a bottle.
And what about graphic images on beer crates? Alcohol is poison in the truest sense of the word.
Of course, we don’t endorse any of that. Consumers should have free choice. Producers should have freedom of expression.
The only problem would be if cheating was involved. It’s like selling a product that says “cannabis root beer” and then realizing it’s not root beer at all. Or that it doesn’t contain cannabis.
And fortunately, we have a common law legal system in place to stamp out fraudulent practices. We don’t need $50 billion government bureaucracy in bed with big pharma.
Cannabis or no cannabis: Lemonade is not for young people
One of the worst things you can give your child is a can of soda. If anything, adding cannabis to soda can provide an improvement in nutritional value.
Caries: Soda is basically liquid sugar, with some 355ml cans containing 50 grams. (The 10 mg THC cap looks silly compared to that, doesn’t it?) Soda is also acidic and contributes to tooth decay and cavities. When you combine sugar with the bacteria in your mouth, it creates an acid that attacks tooth enamel.
Obesity: Lemonade is an important source of empty calories. It provides no nutritional value and contributes to weight gain. It’s not correlation; it is causality. Regular consumption of soda increases the risk of obesity.
Reduced hydration: Lemonade is not a hydrating drink. Due to its diuretic effect, it contributes to dehydration. Children who regularly prefer soda to water or milk may not be adequately hydrating their developing bodies.
Decreased Bone Health: Research suggests that sodas negatively impact bone health. The phosphoric acid found in many sodas can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium, which is crucial for developing strong bones.
More reasons why Health Canada won’t take care of your children
Health Canada’s crackdown on cannabis sodas is purely political. They are a group of overpaid bureaucrats who impose their ideology on a population of once free and wealthy adults.
Nowhere is this more evident than when it comes to cannabis sodas, when addressing “the kids” without neglecting the truly harmful effects of sodas in general.
Consider these additional ways soda pop is destroying a child’s health.
Increased risk of chronic diseases: Regular soda consumption increases the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Unless your child was born with a compromised immune system and these problems appear before the age of 18, you will not be able to raise children. And Health Canada’s selective propaganda isn’t helping.
Seeks: Lemonade’s high sugar content leads to a strong craving for more of it. Children develop addiction-like behavior. They crave it and get cranky when they can’t have it.
No nutritional value: Whether it’s cannabis soda or regular soda, there’s no nutritional value. Lemonade is high in added sugar and lacking in vitamins and minerals. When children consume soda, they give up healthier drinks like milk.
Of course, raw milk is illegal in Canada and the pasteurized dairy industry is a cartel that keeps prices artificially high. Clearly, then, the health of the country’s children is not Health Canada’s top priority.
What is Health Canada’s priority? It’s certainly not about the health and well-being of Canadians. The recent crackdown on cannabis sodas is further evidence of this.
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