Health Canada: CBD Safe and Tolerable – Cannabis News, Lifestyle
Health Canada has reviewed cannabidiol (CBD) and found it “safe and tolerable” for short-term use. Health Canada’s report looked at dosages ranging from 20 milligrams up to 200 mg per day.
From now on, all CBD products must go through a heavily regulated cannabis supply chain. You can only sell CBD in cannabis stores. This report can change that.
Three years to tell us CBD is safe and tolerable
Health Canada’s review took three years. It was a nine-member advisory committee that considered the CBD regulations. They spent hundreds of thousands of tax dollars verifying CBD. Ultimately, they decided that healthy adults should be free to buy CBD from regular retailers like grocers and health food stores.
Of course, many medical cannabis patients don’t need Health Canada’s endorsement that CBD is safe and tolerable. They’ve felt the benefits firsthand and don’t need an advisory team full of Health Canada officials telling them what’s safe and tolerable.
US residents are free to purchase CBD products over the counter at any retail store. But as the Covid regime has shown, what is considered “safe and tolerable” changes once you cross the 49th parallel.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
According to Health Canada, CBD is safe and tolerable. Still, they warn that there is “little scientific evidence on the long-term safety of CBD.” They suggest that consumers who are taking CBD for more than 30 days speak to their doctor.
The Advisory Committee agreed with the World Health Organization’s assessment that CBD is not addictive or addictive. However, the Canadian panel warned that there is a lack of scientific evidence to support the use of CBD for sleep or pain.
Of course, lack of evidence is not evidence of absence. According to Health Canada, there is no evidence that CBD treats a number of ailments safely and effectively over the long term. This is not in itself proof that taking CBD is dangerous over the long term.
Unfortunately, public health bureaucrats play it safe. That wouldn’t be a problem if they were discussing the safety and effectiveness of CBD for seniors, children, or medical patients.
But they are not.
Health Canada discusses how healthy adult Canadians should (or should not) access CBD. And not only adults, but also their pets.
Is CBD Safe for Pets?
Health Canada does not recommend CBD for your pets unless you have consulted a veterinarian. CBD is fine for dogs if under 2mg and used to treat osteoarthritis. But that’s it. They recommend only selling CBD for pets at veterinary clinics.
Health Canada’s review can describe CBD as safe and tolerable. Still, they call for “high quality clinical research” on the safety and efficacy of CBD and other phytocannabinoids. They want these studies to be funded by governments through taxpayers.
Health Canada’s Advisory Committee says CBD is safe and tolerable in the short term. They also agreed that there is early evidence that CBD is effective for stress and anxiety. But until they get more money, they’re holding the country’s CBD consumers hostage with their gatekeeping.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if CBD is as dangerous as opioids or as safe as applesauce. As Wilfred Laurier once said, “Canada is free and liberty is its nationality.” It is not up to Health Canada bureaucrats whether Canadian adults consume CBD.
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