Hacks to make the most of your marijuana experience

Some people use falls as an opportunity to relax, unwind, and reflect on the world. For casual or new cannabis users, it can be a fun time of consumption – watching classic horror films, taking a walk and looking at the colorfulness of the trees, or having a long discussion about pumpkin spice. To help you, here are tips to help you get the most out of your marijuana experience.

Peppermint candies

Photo by Christopher Williams via Unsplash

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When you feel the craving, all you can do is treat yourself. Experienced cannabis users usually learn to curb their urges, but for newbies, mints are a good option. Mints can help you focus on something else and distract you from the urge to eat. Just as people who quit smoking tend to chew gum, mints can help keep you from messing up your diet.

A penny

Pharmacies and marijuana companies expect increased sales ahead of the Super BowlPhoto by Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash

Although you should always invest in a grinder, there are ways to cleanly and evenly grind your marijuana if you’re in a pinch. Take a penny and clean it thoroughly. Then put your marijuana in a pill bottle, drop the penny in, cap it, and shake it. Keep shaking. After an intense workout, you’ll be left with some evenly cut marijuana.


What you need to know about CBD honeyPhoto by Arwin Neil Baicoo via Unsplash

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Honey is a great companion for marijuana. After you’ve finished rolling up a joint or blunt, be sure to coat it with a small amount of honey. This ensures that your joint/blunt burns slower and more evenly while also providing some sweetness.

CDs and floppy disks

What happens if you smoke two strains of cannabis from the same bowl?Photo by Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash

When you visit your parents’ house, you will probably come across some floppy disks. These can be used to neatly pack bowls by utilizing the center hole of the discs. Simple, quick and you use something that would otherwise be rubbish.

A sock

Oh yes, there is that too.

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